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Show j A Slux'klnit 4 hIiiiiiII)'. J ' Lately helcll railroad llirer," write lr. A. Kellelt of Willifoid, Atk. Ilia toot a budly crunbed, but lluck- . vn't Arnica Sulve iiitkly cured bliu." It'a ainiply aondcrlul lor Hurna, Holla, ' 1'ilca and nil (kin erupliona. It'a the world'aihaiiipioii healer. Cure guar- t tiiit.fd. Sold by John Borden A i Mi Ihe oiiuli i mid worlta tr Hit' Old. '', Ijixativo Ilroiuo-Qulnlna Tahleta cur a oli In one day. Nofuru, ua I'ay. f.lc ' i Hi cecta. 1 A WORTHJJUCCESSOB. hrthUg!lw l idcr t ae." All Doctor bar Uled to cur CA-TAItKII CA-TAItKII by lb aw of pntrdfr. cid um. Inbalar and drug In paita form Tbir powder dry op tha inutuom mambranea rauiing them tocrack ojien and bleed. Th poaerlul acidl Ud in th InhaWn have entirely tn aaiy III arn membranea that their maker li.rnaimid to cure, whil paitaa and ointment ejllnot reach lb dlre An oil nd aiperlenre.l practitioner who baa for many yeitr mile clot aiiuly and aiiecially of the treatment o CATAKKII, hat at laet parlected Tieaiment ahlch alien faithfully need, not onlt relieve, at once, lull per- manenlly curea (.'. r.tHRII. by removing remov-ing lie caue, a'nppmf the ditcharg-, ami eiirina- all iullainniation. Hit the onlr remedy known loacience that actually act-ually reach- th atlln ted parlt. Thla wondt-rlul remedr la known a "SM'K-H.y "SM'K-H.y ihe lit'AH A.N TKKI) CATAKKII CI'RK" aud la m. l al the eltrenilr low prde ol 'ne UolUr. ench pickaje run-Inloing run-Inloing Internal and eetintl medicine aurllcient for a lull m in'h treaiinenl an I ere.rthiiig ne,e.ary M ll perltct u. "SNt'KKI.K" l tlia only perfret CATARRH Cl'RK eier raade and la now recognraed a ih only afe and IHimtlte cure for that annoying and dia-giiatlng dia-giiatlng d.eeate. It curei all inlliniatioo quickly and permanently and I al'O woriileafnllv quick to relieve H AY t'KV-KKor t'KV-KKor (OLlMn the IIKAU. CATAKKII when neglertrd ollen lead to OiNSfMITLOWSNl'F-I OiNSfMITLOWSNl'F-I I. KM" will ht you if you iim It al one It I na ordinary remedy, but a eomplel trearaa'nt which la fxiiitlvely guarantaed to rur CATAKKII III any form or alaire If nted acconllnn to th direction wtiirli accompany each package. pack-age. Don' li'elay but aend Inr il at once, and write fuli particular a to your condition, and you will receive apecia! alvlc Iroiu th diwoverer ol llili Wonderful Won-derful remedy regarding your rate without with-out coat to you beyond tha regular price ol "HSUITI.K" the UCAKAS-TKKDCATARKtl UCAKAS-TKKDCATARKtl CURE." Bent prepaid to any addreta In th United Ktata or Canada on receipt of On PoIIim?. Addrea lpt. EHWIK B. tJILKH dt COMPANY, 2IS and 2:i:i;Mwrkct fttreet, rhiladeluliia. This natur ! on rry Imi uf tb nnuln Laxative Bniino-Quininc twu BEST SERVICE. EQUIPMENT, TRACK. 0 PlCT0fV VIA The Union PnciTlc run AM. Eastern Points. THREE TRAINS DAILT THROUGH CARS to Chlctgo, Umi City, Si. Paul, Mlnne-ipoll Mlnne-ipoll ; : : : Direct Connections (or tbe East ind SoutbMst. : Detailed liirnriiiatloii cliciTfull) furnished fur-nished on 11 ) 'I II :t Kill . C, I. W1IEAKON. AkimiL Coalville, Utuh T BARBER'S Flavoring Extracts. !i.."-- il manufacture anl put up under my. own 1 name extract of i Lemon, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Orange, Cloves, Wintergreen, Peppermjnt, Jamica Ginger, etc. Also Blue Black, Greea, Violet and Red lais. HOBat foi Dr. garden's King ol Pain, The Great Household Remedy. 4 oz bottle, 35 cts. 8 oz bottle, 65 cts. JOSEPH BARBER, Coalville, Utah. C O A la, Always On Hand at the WASATCH:- MINE Lump, - - - $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 Tens Liil Pill Ni Hi. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co Soll( lha pnrenta. j ileaaa Ihabir IIL j and jlrl. I JX I Hda fy J J . )lnv;dmnnBro,i t 1 H For Sale by People s Her. Co., Coalville. ; i t"'"Oeol,Mdu J PnHa Kpoaltlog Xtoo. Vox sale by J. II. Hull, Coalville GEORGE M. GILBERT, Met son. Plastering, Hrlcklsy-Ing, Hrlcklsy-Ing, OX axil Kinds of Mason Work. Prices it ResotabI. IIKNKFHR, - UTAH. kl. BO VeAWS JL- TV EXPERIENCE 4 Tnaot; Man w aa1 Diaiona Anrrm niHnf a ifcHrh ami rtMMTltl(n mT tV t rVrt T fir'i 1 0?! V' ' IU ' Vl !m iVl -rili V'iV V-AiVa'ttUf !',! laUtm ttirouifh Miiim A lii. rvcalVl Scientific JImcrlcan. A tiw.1(Mmfilr IHmtntM talr. 1 -mt rtr .i.lail.m t mtxv .. irr.un.- l-urnal IVrim. H f.-r: four moiiitu, IL Hold bfftll natipilfnlsrB. MUNI1 & Co ""- New York '.rHMA-HAY FEVER l ) " FREE TRIAL BOTTLE AWM5 DR.TAFT.79 l l30"SI.,NY.ClTY. 1 MACAZRIEW I lL".riprtui'''W'ri iViM-'i)i')Va pifl Hi " Tlia MeTAI.1. 1'01PA!IY. il. .a lii !.!. ;. .. i ir. v V Ready-to Wear Hats and Street Skirts. Hare just received the Fall Book to take orders for the Ladies Tailor Mide Suits and Jackets. A perfect fit is guaranteed. M. R. Salmon. Use the Right Hand Z McCormick - Binder Binding Tmne ; ' . lVl",' ' from us, at 12 cents per pound, "Tv ' retail. Ask for wholesale prices. w 'Wt.jJ' J.J.BOWEfJ,i for GoDSoIidated fmplemeut Co. COAL7ILLE, UTAH. YORK practically YflRK For ovi l(ty-ight yeArv. TRI-WEEKLY A DAILY, Jurf, Fr TDIDIIMC A!ia T"K mLCKLI farmeraaiul vlllagera, whoa InlOUNC. cmtxruT Knows. JRIBUfjf, rea.ler have repreaaoURl ilie very lieal element of uuf A new ami remarkable attractive pub- country population. iK-mioii, pmluHily IlliiairaieU will; iwi u iv, n lm.Krltnl nuwt of the no traita ami liail-tunea; eonlaiin all the inking new feature of The Dallv Trib- tlon and worlil.tli nuntrelialil market uiie. special rt ar Despaiahe., Uooiea- rc M Fclnaiin aiiort atoriea. aa tic and loreign Correepourteiic. otiort Riorie. Iliiiiinu llluatrailnna, Indua- nnaxcelled Agricultural Department, trial infiiriualion. I'atliion Notea. A- rirultural niaiura carefully treated, and 8cientlflc and mechanical Information, Meltable Financial and Market Report. It la mailed at an me hour aa the daily I aahioo Article for the Womn. Hit- Uru'V. oVS'" -.roil. Il...r.tl.n. for old ana young, edition 1 a thoroughly up-to-date daily llit "Th Peopl' Paper" for th aa family newapaper for buay people. tire United Bute. Regular tubacrlptlon pric, Regular aubrriplioo price, 551.50 per year. $1 00 per year. W. furnlah I, with THE TIMES for w th- $2.00 per year. $1.50 per year. Send all orders to THE TIMES, Coalville, Utah. F'f PRESENTS For EVERY DAyUseT The Lamp of Steady Habits I 1 TTw lamp tlmt rlofunt timr up or amok-), or pmw tmi T.V ffcv bMl UntnuMiw 1 Hi Umn tlitU UniIi- .,.-n f w X aSJX. Wk. J""11 vt 11 "' lf00,, : nip tliat you uvver niiW 1 fJM Kbc Icw Rochester. f:w . V ' IJ OUier lamra mar b offered you aa "Jiml a ervvl M F- i'l V T 9 Uwy nir lie, lii mime ra.im.-u, but f..r all aruuud Ffe rM aeanliere'a onlr one. 1H A'rie Kurnraler, To make l-Vliil VVT "" u" P ofleivd rou hi-eiiiilne. Ii-k lor ILa naiiia Jt . L-'J oa U t ever-Uunp baa It. tW Varlrlkia.) J f I l -? Old Ijiinpa JInde New. IS ''M t 'S. ecan ml eeery Unip want. Noiiiall-r arhnlier Tou t ; i2! l,'iMA eiiew.ema..i.eoM eae r.-lre.l or n-lln- C 1 .. ; D ai I J " aounten or ether make of lamp Inui.r.inn. w K-w. I Hitf - i,""e?oo!,v,?r, " ao Ul l3q I A. MearaAHl LIAI.ISTS In tha trralment ol dlaeaselof UZ. 1 - - i'VHX Lamoa. Ciiniultatloa 1-MI.U. I ' ''" THEB0CHESTEHmilPED.,8r.rkriaeaMHarrlay4...wT.r. lallWWamMalt.il -- - p IUTH I l I M'JIIP"" ' I r ' WOxf r -r- VV V-e A7 f RipfnsTabulK v V At Doctors Find J , A Good Prescription ' IOfohSceiits |