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Show VI mm SPEEGH Text of Address on Day Eefore Shi oting. COMPLIMENTS EXPOSITIONS. .). they Are Ihe Timekeepers of Tro erM--.lolrrn lii-tillon. Hnva llmnahl Intu I'loae Itelallon Widely Hm rated l-aople. HoiinVm of lha Tilrsraph. The follitaliiK In the lest nf rrr.li1.nl Kxih'-'ii'ioii ?,'iV"tti- "luv bt'foro ha was .hoi l-.xn.r-ll lone Hie thf 1 1111,-ki'f rrs of lrotir-M 'liny I rd the worlil s sd- tato 'liM-nt. 'I lii y rtliiiulHIe the en.lsy. , ,,1,,, -ii. I lMt. ll. . of lln- I I" and nun ki n hilninn K- lilo" Tin y " Inlo III. horn... Tli. ) In. u,!. ii and hi Mhlesi ths hull life ol the 1 1HC-. 'lli-y "l'.n reikiny slnrihinm'a of liilormii. Ion to lha .lo.l, lit. i:.-iy esaltlun. sr. st or .io.ll, has li. if. .1 lo ...me oiiwaid step. I'onniarl.on of ld-u la slway. edura-lloinil edura-lloinil and in .urh lii-lru. t. Ihe brain Slid hntul of until. Krl.-n.lly rivalry follows, fol-lows, wlth-h la ihe .ur lo liolii-irtal lin-liiov.iionl. lin-liiov.iionl. the l..- ir 1 1. -f lo ll-.l.ll In-v.-mlon and to hih eiirt.-i.vor In all da- pan Ills of hiiniHn activity. It isavts a study of the wants, .-omforls slid even ths wh'ms ol lha prnple. and re.-nalllsa the elll.-a.-y ol hluh unmily slid new prlres til win Ihi'lr favor. ,Tlie .iie.t for tiade Is an Incentive in men "I liu.lnese In invent, Imi-iuve and .-.,eioinl.e In the cost of iir.Hlii.-lloli lln-ln..'- lite, wh.ther in,, M inirxlvr. or Wllh other ieoile. h ever a .harp .tiusKle lor u.-. ess. It will Iht none the I-, mo In the fulute. v II Item It-em compelllloll we would lie t-llliMlna to the rlnni.v and mil l.iial. .1 lr. e.a. . of farmlna and iiiiiniila. iuie end Ihe nielh-ckI. nielh-ckI. .,f li. .. of li.k i.k'. and tha Twenilelh w. uld lie no Itlllli.r advanced lhan tha Kiiihi.-enih i-.nlury. Hut, llo.ush commercial .n..etlinte ws ere, romlVierclnl enemies we inu.l not In-, .he l-sn-Anierlci.lt esio.lllon ha. don. It. work thoroiikhlv. .r, .. .iiluK In Its ei-hlhlts ei-hlhlts evidence, nf Ihe Imiheat skill and lllil.lralllia the unn-. ol Ihe hunisn family In the IVi-.l-rn h.nil-lhera. line Krllon .if the earlh hn no reuse lor mutation fur the imrl II has performs lit the march of civllU.Hh.li. ll has not aecnmpllwliisj rver)lhlns. (ar front It. II rota .imply il.ine II l and without vi V or la.aslfuln.-a.. and re.-onl.lli II. msnlfol.l s.hlev. menls of ..tliers It Invites the friendly tl.i.lry "f all ths powers lu Ihe penccfnl pursuits of Irsd. and fomu.er. e, .ml will co-opel la with all In sil.sn. lint lln his hot and beat Intervals of liui.imilt) Keacnrss f ..rl.r. IsMlrkw. After all, how m ar .me In Ihe other la every part of Ihe ..o.l.l' Modern Invention, Inven-tion, fiat a I,,.. i, Kl.l I.K.. close relation !:!.n!e.:;v;:.;;,:;rd.,'Hw';:;,.M;, and lust Hum. are Im In coemoiill- lan. They Invade II. Id. which a few .i. ";;ii,,.;';;l,;;,i:1,,',;';t1v';; s'.i'd'wlth liicie..n. li..n-p.irli.llon fa- ,11111,. CO,.,.. Ml. re Ik k....wle.le a id nuiket ..ml C...P HI . We travel u.e.l.r ,11-inli. e- III I. shorter spa., of time and -I'll mole e hall wua ever ,1, eon I l.v Ihe fathers. Isolation la hu looser possllil. or d. slralile. Wonder, of Ihe Teler..h. We reached (I. n Mile. In Porta Hire by "able, snd he wna aide Ihrunnh Ihe military l.l.ru.li In sl-p hi. aiu.y on th. Illlnx line Willi the nicasa-e thai th. Hulled Hlst.-a and Hpnln had slsned a protocol .u.ian.l.iis lu sllllllea. Wa knew Klnii.sl Instantly "f II"- " ,"" "r4 at Banll.S" and auliaciueiil .urr.n- .ler of tin- Hmtuish f e.e. wa. known al Wa.hfr.alew Wlin.w l.wa His. aw hour of II. c. li"ii tiillon 'I ii- Hist .hill of I'sr. v.rs's Meet hnd lo.r.lly .i ed from that historic hstbor when the (act was Hashed In our rapltal and Hie KI .1. .1 rilclloa thai followed was cmiounccl Immediately Immedi-ately through the wooihrful medium of tslearaphy. . . . World's Nleaui Kallroads. At Ihe brelnnln- or Ihe Nineteenth een-lury een-lury liter. ... mil n mile uf steam rsll-road rsll-road on the l"he. Now liters are eiioimb. in Ilea to make II. circuit many Unt.s. Then there ws. nol s Hue or eleclrlo telesrsph; now we have a va.l mllesas travsralng all lands Slid all eoa. Ood and man have link.-.! the nations lo-elher. lo-elher. No nation un lonaer he Indifferent Indif-ferent lo any mlier And ss ws srs brouaht more and inure In touch with each nlher Ihe lea o. , .shin Is Iher. for nilsumlei.isti'lliiH. sti-l the .ii.niser the dl.p.-l t, Wh.ll We have .llffelelicea tO adjust them In the emit of srhllrallon. which Is Hi l.onh.i (..mm for the o.tlle-nient o.tlle-nient ol International .llspul.'.. I aeian.pled l'roserlty. My fellow rills, lis. Ir.ole ati.ll.llra Indicate Indi-cate that Ihl. ...ooiiy I- In si. I. of un-e.ami-lrd prosperliv The llmir.a ar. almost al-most appnlllna. The) show that we are ullll.lns our llel.l. i.n.1 (ore.l. and mines, and that we are tiirnlsliliia iirolllahlo em- l.loyment to the mil of wurklnamen Ihrotikhuut the I hind Htul.-s, liilii.tna eomfort snd happlne.. to Ihelr homo and making II possible to lay by aaylngs for old sks snd dls.t.illiy. "hut all the people are purllclpul Ilia In this great prosperity la seen In every American com. reunify and shown hy the enormous and unprecedented .his.slls In our savings tisnks. Our duty la Hie cure and security or these dciHi.ll. snd their safe Investment Invest-ment demand, the hlkhest Inlegrlly and ths best business capacity or llmss In chsrge or I lies delaisllorlre of lh po-pls' po-pls' sarulnga Oullets for Surplus. fly sensible trnde arrniis.-menls whlrh II not Interrupt our home production ws shall eslend the oullets for our In-crrsslng In-crrsslng .inpliis. A .yslein which provides pro-vides a mutual escliiintie. .if roiiimo.llt lee Is msnlfeslly easenllnl tn lha lontlnusl haslthlul growth ol our e.poil Ir.olo. Wt must nut reposu In lunch, I security thst we csn forever sell ev.-rvllilnK and buy Utile or niithlna. If such h thing w.rs possible, II would not he li-sl tor u. or for lho.e with whom we denl. Ye should inks Iroin our .-.is omers .ilch c.r Ihelr products ss wo can use wllhu.it I arm to our Industrie, and li.Lor It., turn, tly I the nslurul growth of our wonderful In-dusttlsl In-dusttlsl dvelnpmeiil under I lie. douiesllo policy now fliiuly eslahhshed. What ws producs beyond our domes! In consumption must have a vent sl.road. Tha esceas mu.t b relieved Ihroiikll a foreign outlet out-let and we should II everywhere we can and hny whei.-ver the hiolng will enlarge our ssles snd productions, slid thereby make a greater demand lor home labor Ths period ol eselu-lveiiess Is psst. Th spsuslnn or our ln.de I. nil rnmmrrc Is ths preaalng prohl. in. I onimerrlsl war ar unprofitable. A policy of good will and rrlendly nude telullons will prevent reprisals. Hcclprneltv trestles ars In harmony villi the spirit ol the tunee: measures ol relsllatlon sie not. Our sarnrst iin.v. r la lli.il Hod will are. eiou.ly vouchsafo prosia-rlty. happiness snd pescs lu all our ii.-tKhhors and llks blessings to sll the peoples and p'uwsra of ths sarlh. |