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Show SPECIAL CMH'S MATIEiiEE, UTftH TODAY Bert Lytell will bo seen the last time' today at the Utah theatre In a screen' version of the Internationally famous crokl: drama, "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Valen-tine." from the play by Paul Arm-1 strong. I To remark on the nature of this play borders on the superfluous, for. it probably is the most popular and1 successful melodrama written in thel last decade. It was first presented on the stage In Now York, with H. B.j Warner in the title role, and ran for a long, crowded season. The extended! career the piece has had on the road I and in stock companies needs no comment. com-ment. '".'Alias Jimmy Valentine" Is a role entirely different from any he has portrayed in Metro's "fewer and bet-l bet-l ter" series of special productions. Hisj previous appearances, ns the tompcra- mental modiste In "Lombardi, Ltd." and as the supercilious and brilliant Charley Steele In Sir Gilbert Parker's "The Right of Way," are far removed in character from tho magnetic jail-i jail-i bird hero. "Alias Jimmy Valentine," i whoso name Is a household word In j America. I I To say that the part is one adml-! rably suited to Mr. Lytell's abilities 'rather discounts them for it is becoming becom-ing known that this young star does not need a role tailored to him. He Is .probably the one voung male star of the screen who makes his characterizations charac-terizations individual, makes them dif- ferent from the conventional type of theatrical hero. Jimmy is a person, however, whom Mr. Lytell knows from having portrayed him In slock, on tho stage. |