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Show LIQUOR CASES IRE TO COME BEFORE THE CITY COURT ! No cases were ready to be brought to trial in the municipal court this morning and the session was only long enough to make this announcement. A number of cases will be ready for action by tomorrow morning and the calendar will keep the court busy for tome time. Among the cases that will probably be brought before the court tomorrow morning is the case against John Butler But-ler on a charge of having liquor unlawfully un-lawfully In his possession. Butler was arrested on April 4, by Deputy Sheriff William Brown, and the officer reported re-ported that the defendant had in his possession sx quarts and a half pin Ol gin and three quarts and two pints of whiskey. On the following day Mike Sullivan was arrested by the same officer and the deput sheriff alleges that Sullivan Sulli-van had in his possession one pint and two half pints of whiskey when taken into custody. George Doty was arrested yesterday by Motorcycle Officer Harry' C. Johns on a charge of speeding on Washing-ion Washing-ion avenue, between Twenty-eighth ind Thirty first streets The complaint lodged against Doty charges that he was driving an auto at a speed of 35 miles per hour. He will appear before be-fore the court tomorrow morning to answer to the complaint. Clarence Stone was stopped yesterday yester-day while driving his automobile on Adams avenue and notified br- Speed Officer Johns to appear in court. It is alleged that he was driving at 35 miles per hour on that avenue, between Twenty-second and Twenty-ninth streets. He will answer to the charge tomorrow morning. oo |