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Show SCHOOLS SHOULD HONOR DEWEY. No single piece of news in the past half century gave a greater thrill to the American people than the brief cable from Manila, on May 1, 1898, which read: "Dewey has entered Manila bay and sunk the entire Spanish fleet of eleven I warships, without the loss of a man on j the American side." That was nearly 19 years ago, and on Saturday the hero of Manila bay i is to be buried with national honors. Admiral Sampson voiced the sonti- nients of the American people when he wrote this tribute to Dewey: "The service knows Dewey as an kl ideal head of a fleet. Perfectly cour- j ageous, of thoroughly balanced Judg- J ment, and quick of decision, he had the qualities which carry one to fame if opportunity be given. The man and the hour fortunately came together and the country' is richer in another I brilliant page of history and anothpr hproic figure. His career has given a j! lofty impetus to the young which will j bear fruit In nobler aspirations. He j has become one of the most valued I possessions which a nation can havo a national hero." j Tomorrow, In our schools, a brief sketch of Dewey's services to his country, coun-try, should be read for the double purpose of honoring the momorv of n noble character and of offering to tho oung people an inspiration to be I fminil in thn .Trhlpvumnnts rf n mnn who gained fame through devotion to duty. Dewey won his grMt victory in Manila Man-ila bay by being possessed of the daring dar-ing and dash which characterized the naval triumphs of Admiral Farragut in our Civil War. The Spaniards felt secure within the harbor, the entrance of which was guarded by the guns of Corregidor Island, and they never dreamed of a Yankee commodore hav. ing the audacity to steam Into the Jaws of death This very daring made Dewey's victory 60 overwhelm-ing overwhelm-ing and gave to the United States one of the brightest pages in naval history While war is not to be encouraged, it is well to give emphasis In our schools to men of the type of Dewey who succeed because they have initiative, ini-tiative, energy, alertness and unconquerable uncon-querable spirits. |