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Show STATBHENT' TO MEXICO CITY, April 24. United Slnles Ambassador Fletcher issued a statement to the Mexican press tonight, In vhich ho declared that tho relations between Mexico and the United States were increasingly cordial and that any misunderstanding misunderstand-ing would be due to the activities of enomics of both countries. The text of the statement follows: "I do not believo that any difficulty diffi-culty may be expected between tho United States and Mexico as the result re-sult of tho entrance of the United States into tho war. My government govern-ment is perfectly satisfied with the declaration of neutrality of Mexico mado by the president on April 15, and is confident that Mexico, as a sovereign people, will respect tho same, taking measures for its strict observance. "No pressure has been exercised by the United States on Mexico or on any neutral country to force its entrance into the war on the sido of the United States. The relations between tho United States and Mexico Mexi-co oach day grow more cordial and friendly and I sincerely hope there will be no occurrence to affect the good and complete understanding between be-tween the two great democracies of Amorlca. By situation we aro neighbors neigh-bors and by community of ends, aspirations aspir-ations and feelings wo should bo friends. If In Mexico anything occurs compromising her neutrality or Involving Involv-ing difficulties botweon the two nations na-tions it will bo the result of tho efforts ef-forts of enemies of ono or other of the countries or both. "Tho government of the United States deslros nothing except prosperity pros-perity for this country and wishes nothing which disturbs tho establishment establish-ment of free, constitutional and orderly order-ly government, pacification of the country and promotion of prosperity. The United States, In aplto of vehement vehem-ent deslros and ulncoro efforts to remain re-main aloof from the great conflict, has been forced to take up arms and I i sincerely hone that Mexico .will .. hq " more fortunate than us in this respect. re-spect. "Americans in Mexico, conscious of the hospitality of this country, both in their official acts and private life will abstain from any act which might compromise tho neutrality of Mexico or place this government in an embarrassing position." The statoment will be printed in all Mexico City papers tomorrow. It was issued as the result of newspaper news-paper reports from the Unitod States, which gave alarming reports of the suspicions there in regard to Mexico's Mex-ico's position. Ambassador Fletcher will make the same statement to General Carranza tomorrow, if he has the opportunity. Rafael Martinez, editor of El Dem-ocrata, Dem-ocrata, a strongly pro-German organ, was confirmed as a member of congress con-gress after a long discussion in the chamber today. Ho was opposed by Dr. All, leader of the Mexican labor party. It has been openly charged In El Naclonal that El Democrata received re-ceived money regularly from tho Ger-ninn Ger-ninn legation and was paid an increased in-creased rate for advertisement by German merchants. |