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Show ' JKJ YSocietj DAUGHTERS OF PIONEERS The following companies of the Daughters of Pioneers meet Thursday at 2 p m.: Company Laura Gibbs will meet with Mrs. Annie Riley, 2170 Monroe avenue, Elizabeth Goddard, board member; Company C, or Mary B. Brown company, with Mrs. M. A. Harris, Har-ris, 2459 Adams avenue, Mrs. Jean-nette Jean-nette Morrell, visiting board member; Company N, or Nancy Emmott company, com-pany, with Mrs. Henrietta Williams, 2219 Hudson avenue, Amelia Flygaro present; Company J with Mrs. John Paul, 1226 Twenty-sixth street, Mrs. Sadie West present; Company B with Mrs. R. J. Middleton, 516 West Twentieth Twen-tieth street, Mrs. Rachel Middleton, board member, present; Jane S. Richards Rich-ards company with Mrs. Cora Stowe, 636 Seventh street, Mrs. Cynthia Pingree, Pin-gree, board member, present; Company Com-pany E with Mrs. Sarah Plngree, 3065 Washington avenuo, Mrs. Cortez, board member; Riverdalo company with Mrs Rintha Bingham, Mrs Ec-cles, Ec-cles, board member; Company I with Mrs. Aathleen Jackson, 2343 Van Bur-en Bur-en avenue Mrs. Ida Treseder, present; pres-ent; Malinda Hatch company with Mrs. Mattle Read, 1124 Washington avenue, Rose Ballantyne present. . I, hi"7 ' i ' '" " ' 'ri '' T'"MI II II II I I I |