Show MRS STANTON OHIkVKD 110 e Sil Ilk liar free rlllrlii no liar Miiinnn HIM The new woman bible ho rrentn 1 a Mnmtlon and will sell as a n telly if for no other reason It in I air 1 11 I > ma that Rlliabtth Cady Htanton I r iy a that she undcrtonk the work Th rlill rule with which It Ie I being trial hay the paper hu canned her mu h aarrl meal Mr Stanton wa born In J > hni tnwn N Y Nov II UII and n i > end ualed nt Mr Emma WlUanl a Hrml nary In Troy N T In IMS In 140 she wn married 10 Henry larewemer Stanton and In the lam y ar while attending the World AnilnlHiry convention ahe met lurretla H 11 with whom she wan In sympathy unit with whom she sinned the call for the flint Women Right convention Thin wa held at her home In Senora Full July It and M IMO She addrewd Hi Nw York legislature on the right ot married mar-ried women In 1IIM anl In adtcy nf divorce for drunkennrr In tNt und In IM7 poke before the IcgHdatun onlllI conilltutlonal rnntentlin mnlmlining that during the rrvlnon of the i HK fatten the ital wa reaohetl Into his original element and that clllion of both axes had a right to vat for member mem-ber of that convention Sheeamae4 Knnaa In 187 and Mlchlcm In 1171 when the iiueellun ot tomnn urfraga teas ubmlttcd to the people of thus et l y tR Rr Jt e 1 KLIZAIIITII CADY BTANTON stales Since UCO she bas athdaesoal many congrriulonal mmmllUvi anal Mnventlon and delhervil numerous lecture on Ihl ubject and tr ten yenn the was pretldtnt of the Nutlona Woman HuffraK association In IMS nbe Will cnmllilate < for congress She Woe nn eilltor with Hunan II Anthony and IMrker 1IIUbury of The IteMilu lion founded In toes and U joint author of lll tor > of Woman Hut trace |