Show Afrkit llniutl Infrly Ir flood a mlMlonnry the Intrrloi of Africa nay Hint tho I poverty of the halITe InnKiiage a a icrlout hlndrnnca tomlHloniry I effort In tho llulu I Ian pnurc for fnttancc th otbl It no wntut i for tlmnkk or thankrRlrln 1 o helter lo trutt ° to liner faith are nil cxprewcil by the name erb to Mhleh thcro li I no rorrrtpondlnp noun Ihero It I no word for uplrlt Jhe llulo line alwnyt bellcrcil in an Inrlt II In dod but they liaru error Rltcu auih n willi a name VlmIt time Union llrlnff man hat n body and n nlmilow tl lie literal khnpo rest bj the lltlnj per ion hlchatdrnth I Uaret hue toot and brcouiM u illKiubodlvd tplrlt wIt f A new name which cannot to used tn I ipph to toot and the angclt to Ir t Ulir il J tiuoil It drlren to my that ti > l Ito khnduwnnd llmtChrUt will tend lilt 1 liolj thadow Into men heortm eLl |