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Show i I & 1 COUNTY NEWS. By Our Special Correspondent. Atlo-ney-at-L- .EVANS 4ti-tn- $ H EVANS , " FRANK EVANS COAUflUE.UTAH. , Sew Comity Court IJoiwe. Office Tbone So. 13 2 riugs. Office at , Residence fhoneSti 5. f and friend in 1905. . ii Iatek.T MAY BE MISTAKES! believe tbe title - U Often ' land i clear, but is mistake p. . on Determine Title to Land, ami have access to all public record , In Buinunt County. . Bly Uontt I 10,000 W. Consult mo on COST-- of A851RACT M0MT ESTATE TO LOAN OR REAL p. hTneely,1 Office Vitick residence, Coalville, Utah. Oenilit D II. TISICI t CltCEIf 001, Dentists,, OFFICE next to the Jewelry 1 Store, i , fTJrOne of o always on hand. Dr. F. C. Osgood, DENTIST II in now permanently located Cdal-til- la LADIES. -- Jet HAVE A FINE LINE OF COSMETICS. M. R. SALMON. lia loour-aympath- a you want a Winter Coat or Street Suit call and examine my new sample book from the Faultless Garment Makers . LaU est Styles in Coats and Skirts. Prices as Low as the Lowest Call and examine . Con-lumpd- on, ime-Erdwtra- YOU Knew Him," . Wben my .husband come homo haa. had a ,corkin ond tell mo-h- o Mr. Cayman. I laid time. good always know he has had an uncorking good time. - tbe two hor ANrtwler - ' I A ToaehlBg Story. , I wbo Reed keen Mr. ksvt . Korn. Tim a a . , ia the living from death, oi tb baby Rider Lemon of Marion and Tare of visaing Mr. W, A. ftmitb returned to Geo. A. Md. of Cumberland, girt Eyler, "7 i Parlev Park filld their appointment a Balt Lake j Mr. Steven end daughter, of Oakley He write: Attn age ofll months, home toiMionarie here lat Sabijath. oor little girl at in declining health, Section foreman Martinson, ha been I wa Visiting her relative, Mr. and Mr, with tenons Throat Trouble, and two removed to the main hqe and MrlKeyeal John Horton and family last Sunday, Mil bia place. ba Iweij sent here to j Mr. Armatrongand family are viait-T- b hyglctana gave her up. W were allong Cry ell haa leen broken jc ith ber brott er, Robert Biddoway, most i)t despair, when we resolved to d4 King New Discovery for with a nice i.i,t night. There are quite a lot of camper ,in try The first, of 4 Frank Congh ton Mr. Suker grove having a goodtlme.' after with week a Lake wuf apeud bottle, jav rclie'; taking four Mis Lvid Blazzard of Peea, ie Mayia waa now in per she and battle cored, relath r here. ing with Mr. and Mra. H. Seamona. Never fails to relieve aud Qmi a namber of oor people tpenta Frank Merchant of Peoa knd Robert feet haalth.' f cold. At Jno. Boyden & or cure a cough Wednesday. da at Lagoon lat Walkey of Coah ille were mWionariea pietnt 50c hnd i 00 guaranfew data a Burn Annie Son, Drugstore! Mty apeni last Siindayt . week' Trial bettle free. teat teed. with ber aiater Mri. Keyes j tu iur Sjmpallilrs. behind In They were not api.sst CWanthip : WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. The bilious and dyspeptic are constant taking tbn opportunity to regia er, a sufferer and apfreal tome eig&fhr feiTwSnrto Provo. Clear, almost cloudlea skies prevailed i There not one of them, however, who Wil Mi May Rigbv, anu Mta Millie during the greater part of this week. may not be brought back' to health and ion are working in bait Lake. Rainfall wa either entirely absent or use of Chamberlain Lyle Hixson and family tpeot last happmeea by tbe wa inappreciable. The days were quite t Stomach , and Liver faolet. These Sunday with ber parent. f warm, but several of tb nights were tablet invigorate the atomach and liver cool, the tempatar in some ol the Sick headache remit from a dl and atrengthen tbe digestion. They very more elevated, districts of the section ordered condition of the stomach and I also regulate tbe bowela. For tale by low enough to form frosts. Tbd Stomach falling quickly eared by Chamberlain Jao Boyden & Son, , Jfno. resulting damagf, however, wa beand Liver Tablet. For tale by URASS IRKKk lieved to be very slight. High winds Boyden k Son. toward ih close of the week, too MOCMWOMT. Graa Creek. A ug, 23, 1905, late to form any estimate of too --extent Tim mi- Eoiroa 1906 of the damage, it any. The supply of Roctronr, Otah, Ang. 22, Th mine worked full time laat week ' Emton TiMia : M water was felling very low, Tbe heart of the miner yr a filled Irrigation Mr. William Gardner and William in the northers portion of th boinea tripto Park with jey laat week. It wa pay day. especially Stembridge and section, and this dearth in the water Mine Supt. Jno. X, Pettit made a City Mdnday. was seriously retarding ia the Mr. Robert Sutherland, who ii werk buelnea trip to Balt Lake laat week. apply work of Irrigation, and In some localities log in Park City returned home Mon Mr. and Mra. WillUm H. Sbaw and even necessitating its com plot cemation. day after visiting Mr. and Mrt.Seamona family ware viaitor to Coalville laat Where (officiant water waa available, and family three day laat week. , Saturday. however, the, clear akiea and bright Born to the wife of Robert Siddoway T. Wilde and Jno. D. Barber aunthine favored rapid growth, and prodoaepb laat week, a ton. Mother and child dowere doing buiineia in Coalville 8tur perly irrigated crops made rapid ad- vVNie, Uun, AugL23, t I nd. No. 1; BellSOblK. Telephone vitiling relative Pott. t erAMiair. na hoc , mruKt car, . ' Mra.iP, II. Ilortin retained home drought has been long continued, waa from fiasti Lake City last Monday after no longer affording aufficWnt a ustenanor to aieck, and much feeding was found, a few dam Uy, Mra. Jfj Mitchell of Kauaa apent n to bo netessary. Despite thia ahortage few dart of laat waek viaiting her eon in rang feed, stock wa reported in fair condition. E. J. Mdchell of thia place. le. 'Old Joe Storers Saloon..,. ' COtloVllaLEtND ECHO The Place to Meet Your Friends WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF Wines, Liquors and Cigars. - FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED 00 prepared to do all claiaea of dental work at rewnabl pdcea, Will take ing well, , r vancement, daywveniog. ' jronr teeth free pleam in examining ie Seatnon Mr. (lowly improving ' of The of chaigw. grain v continued on- harvesting Mra, William ft. Wilde and eon were from ber lever ilhjera. And in some district a Mr. Ethel Marie, of Bountiful, i in Coalville Tueaday last visiting end der rapid headway was completed. Thrashing waa in genriiyalrlHii and kutgeoa transacting businesa eral process with yield of ' th earlier Mra, Joseph T, Wilde wa in CoalM. O. W., FREPCH,' own full up to the average, Lnt aown ville viaiting with ber father and mother Afimcnc-i.zuLT- U 13 Physician and Surgeon, i wheat, however, waa reported to be Mr. and Mr. John Booth laat Monday and in OFFICE AT RESIDENCE -localitie by, rust, badly damaged Tb mine waa not working to day, t - All Coalville. 7 be sold th prospect for average yields was Office hour from 2 U 4p. a. one Cost of week. second so is not The favorable. to . cropi Mother. Warning tkea boar All whocaaahonid for Dress Too much caro cannot bo need with alfalfa waa gathered and the third Crop near a poeaibte, were wa Yields nob email children during the, hot weather making rapid growth. Ci of th anmmer month to guard again at generally reported to bo light, while the Barn) or for lucerne seed were believed bowel trouble. A a rule it i only prospect to he very poor, owing to the combined necessary to give the child a doe of i effect of high winds, insects and hot, dry caator oil to correct any disorder of the Graduate at the Juteroationat Cnrte , , weather. pou'leac a head, Scranton, Beets, while generally ia fair bowel. Do' not ae any ubtitate, but deterioration suffered serious glv th oidfashfoned castor oil, and ee condition, COUNTY SURVEYOR, that It 1 fresh, a rancid oil nauseate in localities from blight, at well as from lack of moiiUro.' Fruit watK being and baa a tendency to gripe, totorj futtio oni Conrtjtncor, J f S. doe notcbeck the howet give- - Cham- marketed. The yield of applet waa - " . -- 1 UTAH , HESEFER, very large by acme grower. The Has its greatest charms for those who fathom it secrets. berlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Every SUCCESSFUL To take Absolutely Fufo now wa drying up very rapidly, and step is easy. range Photographs requires and then a do of caetor Remedy No dark room required. Medicine SUBSTITUTE and the diieate may be checked In oil, in many portions o( the section, especial- neither special skill nor training. it in the northern part where the indpiency and all danger avoided. The ly MARY ANN B. CLARK, caator oil and thla remedy should be BARBER SHOP fat the Shoemaker'. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. ' procured at one and kept ready for Does tbe work.7 TBE UODERN BARBERSHOP. ieftant use a soon a the first indica,la ike Agent for Summit The Head of the Public School i County for of of bowel tion t trouble the This State, any System Quick Clean and Smooth 1 th meat luceeseful appear. to $35.00. .. DEYELOPIHG MACHINE and treatment known Tbe University of Utah includes tbe Kodaks, $1.00 and may be relied upon with implicit School of Arts and Science, the State Massage and Shampooing a of Miner aad the State Moi nal PHOTO SUPPLIES at .Join Boyden Sons. We cater to the ladies confidence " even in case of ghelera School specialty. School. I Ask for Catalogue. infantum, For sale by Jno,. Boyden as well as the meji. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Send me your mlervI can fill k Son. "r j. , them for you. 0 The School Of Art and Sciences offer ' MARION. -courte in s . , Utah. Fourth door north of Telephone onlvOle, 1 General Science. office. Marion, Utah, Aug. 22,19057 2 Liberal An. ' Optician Edito Timm ; FLonivr ' STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Mu Dorethea Anderson is home from The Normal School offer; . ALEXANDER OPTICAL C0.;i Salt Lake City to remain until the hot 1 A fout-ye- gr Norma! Course. ' I t Wishes Normal Course. Advanced 2 Inform is over. , weather the rmblic Atlaa block, , Jo ; 3 Course In Kindergrtea Training. she is that furnish Mr. to Ivat Anderson wbo has been very prepared s -v . floral 'designs of all kinds for aick for some time, iton the improve. THE SCHOOL OF MINES. Ou firm, i pMtllvelv tb only ' parties, . funerals ere. Also We are pleased to state that of Mine offer courses in ; School he is Able The , - one o. It kind in Safi Ijike or all of kinds for 1 potted Engineering a plants Mining to ait op a little while each davl I'g lra which haa ryprvtentafor-sal- e i oh road. 2 Electrical Engineerin- gsalejyour trade solicited.' SatAnderaon and two littie 3 Civil Engineering. Mp.Letha isfaction guarnteed. Send in Ur, .Alsxandrr will eopeinua to maka have returned from Provo A Mechanical Engineering. you orders early wto receive daughter regular trip to Coalville antf adjoining y where they were visiting lor 5 Chemical Engineering. City, own, about avery font month. proper "attention s FREPARATORY some time.- , f , A Preparatory chool 1 maintained Mr. Joseph Delaney, of Dedham, Car- which gives preparation for the course DO YOU WANT roll, Co., Iowa, ia kero lookiag at tb io-ye- ar in General Science, Liberal Arts, and country, viaiting relative. If he Engineering, 'Law, Medicine and .for-Cas-k; van get a suitable place he may move Business. Y hi family out is the Bear fotorw and Graduate from the eight grade of v v Good make thia hi home. the public school nr admitted to th I but of Normal a year School; high Dr. Denoi of Heber City wa the choot work is secretary for admission neat of Mr. aad Ur. J. Load berg on I School th to Preparatory . , lair and Courtems. Trnaimnnt to c fifWffrtJwftf p.. au Clearance Sale, ntt ti n- E..jLa'CiTEs, - Summer' Millinery will at for Now the time and Street Hats bargains in ts obm u u - M. E. Rhodes. Milliner. ioeoweo ' Ifthi ' 1 ted -- rwtOTl4reaiwiiiTiOieololiiwA PHOTOGRAPHY CIS t:0 The Kodak Developing Machine r JR Work. -- all ' W. H. Robinson 4 3 ' T ( Mrs. Sarah Richins . ilium in ' tni Union - Pacific R. R. Co. offer in Utah and Wyoming good 51 grazing land in large. and small tracts. Stockmen: .this is your last Chance to purchase on easy -- r 7 HATS OR SHOES in Boys i Youths ' or Mens I payment plan. Liberal discount Nangc is SELLING AST and becoming scarce;. Now is i. Styles? If so, call and inspect Our Lino which has just arrived and is full and complete Wo mako Tailor-Mad- e Clothing a Specialty, and WILL Guarantee a Fit. . CALL AND SBB SAMPLBS. Fijis DmlWl CflliPUt .. ALMA .. I ElrDREDGE, Mgr. f " th i:h.4 New buildings,- egcelleit facilities, Mr. Samuel Brinvon Jr., of Wan-hi- p, splendid equipnent. ; i visiting ker parent No tuition I charged, hut an annual and athar relative in thia part of th ewentry. J registration fee of ten dollar i required. September 15th and lfitb. Mr. and Mra. Eari Mitch ail and Mead Registration, Instruction begin September lfitb. Horten were all that took in he exCatalogue and illustrated booklet sent free upon request te cursion to Lagoon from this place, Mr. Georg Afterenteu ie quite sick OF UTAH, at tkia writing. halt Lake City, Utah. - avosin i the .time to tmrehase, PAETICUEAkSFEOlf L J: Agent U. P. South St-Salt-L- ake FLflal. WILLS,-- R. R. , 4 ; - 7 Co.'Lands 15 W City, Utah t j |