Show THE PANAMA CANAL All hlll fhlcll Iy 10011 Ilo Itlllinl One nf the lateit engineering tcheineM concerning tho Panama tanal propuM the construction of four locln tno nt caeli end of a control level only Men tlle fMt ahove the ocrniiliiilvuil uf the Id plan of Mveral lel and from il I8ht to In lock 1 between IK and 175 feet ubove tho sen A 8 this would In oh an Increnicil amount of rock and mil cutting It li I propoied by M nartli vol the author of the plan to dlipure of the extra material thua oxcaat by conitructlng n thirteenfoot tunntl Min 10 MO fMt In length through nhloh Iho debrli will bo waihed water for thl Iurle to be brought through an open channel from a dam on tha Cha grea rlcr that li I there would lit nl Inned n fall of about one foot to eery thouiand of length the current filling the tunnel to a height of > ome ten feet afliwcftnfitttr Tml It In MM limtnil tiring Iliim i ured ilnxhnrntnic i nc million cubic inptprn dully One hundred hun-dred haft rut Into thin tunnel would empty Into It only Kliout forty thouund cublr meter of wild nmlprtal Inpn lyfuur hour ro that onl about four IWr rent of the dliclmrRnl mUture would be earth or atone |