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Show fit ;THB TIMES A PECULIAR CASE- .PHYSICIANS PUZZLED BY THE EXPERIENCE OP MRS. BOWEN. Hospital Bald fibs Had Contumptloa. Record. Philadelphia. Pa Episcopal CProm v -a h , the Last July the Episcopal hospital admitted a woman a hose pale and emendated face and racking cough proclaimed er the victim of consumption. She n v j'hittfs aais-a- . Wsw &L bowen, residence. ISO Uelghan gt., . Philadelphia. The ease was d'af-nose- d end she was told plainly that waa-ta"detrr state ef con sumption. The examlntnE physician even showed her the eunken place In her - hreast where the cavity lo her lung srae supposed to exist. Bhe went home to her family, a broken, disheartened worn- -. wth death stating her in the fsca. Ttoft was the beginning of the story, tha fn as told hy Mrs. Bowen, who noexpects to dls, to a reporter fol"The first of eonsumptloa earns Is tha symptoms form of terrible sweats, night and day. Prom April until September I was constantly cold and Ptf wrapped up in blankets through tbs hottest weather. A terrible too possession of ms, my breastcough was ors to th slightest touch, and my "b were like cold clay. The hardest rubbing with the coarsest towel would not create the slightest flush, and the 1 exertion would exhaust I went to the hospital In jne Jbly and they dlagnoded my case as above Stat-- It was when the clouds were tbs darkest that the first of sunshine cams. Mr. Bhelmerdlne,glinta friend, who Uveo around at 1M4 Clementine Bt,, said to ms on day, Mrs. Bowen did you ever try Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pals People. I had never heard of the medicine, but la my condition could not turn a deaf ear toany thing that offered re--It was after considerable thought and Investigation that I concluded to discontinue all other medicine. Including cod liver oil, nnd depend entirely upon Pink Pills. I began to take tha pills, at first with but little encouragement. The first sign of Improve-tnewas n warmth and tingling sensation in my limbs, finally the cough disappeared, my cheat lost Its aoreness end 1 began to gain flesh bntil I wie fifteen pounds heavier. AU this I owe to Dr. W UUams' pink pills and 1 cannot pralas them too highly. Mrs. Bowen is n kindly faced of middle age, a church member,lady and highly esteemed. Bhe looks today well and and It aeems almost Impossible Strong that sha waa aver given up by eminent physicians as an Incurable consumptive. Yet such la tha cast beyond alt dispute. Williams Pink Ptlle contain aU the elements necessary to gtva new Ufa and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are fo sale by sll druggists, or may bo had by mall from Dr. Williams Med. Co.. Bthenso- w v " ; - nt well-kno- bX r Row to Walk. DeltarU teacher who is peculiar la knowing somethin; of Delaartsa ays-- tem of expression, says that women can - improve their walk without a teacher, though they cant learn about walking from print. Tha proper length of tha step is istwice ilia length of one foot, and it measured front tha hollow of ons foot to tha hollow of tha other. Now, take a piece of tape nnd sew on it Intact flannel qt interval take the length of one of your feet, airetch It across the longest room you iisre at your; disposal and you are ready for know that practice May be you dont mam ewws wsewbif-wow- i' tfie 'aaiiie tine with each successive step? It should that is very important, so now you must walk vour tape and set one foot and then tha other right over one of theaa bits of flannel, letting tha flannel come Just under the Instep Do this snd turn your toes out very well, and awing your leg from tha thigh, and you are far ou tha road to a beaut.ful walk. A . s' Sw Dialog Csr Service. s pleaaur to nots ths addition of another luij orient feature to the aready competent tratu service of the Nickel Ilete Road. The Bluing Car service of this line has recently beea pou'arkw rata aumentrd. wht.h dinner witite lerred on train No ly ft, lest ing I hicago it 4 m. and darner on train dally, and No. 8, leaving Chicago at V p. m.. with direct conn is tlona lor New York end Roe-toBreakfast and dinner will t a served oa train No ft, arriving la Chicago at It .115 It is 1 New York and Boston. Information regarding routes, rales, niaja, lokters, etc., address your m, irora p for full nearest tklet agent or J. Y. Cauhax, General Agent, Chicago, 111. Tha world cannot frown away a soul " smile. Wbra the devil goee to church hi doesnt always occupy a lack seat Low Rate Harvest Excursions will 1 run from aU stations on the W alwsh railroad on May Sist and Juns 11th, to the" south and south- - east for full particular apply to tha nearest ticket agent of tha Valwh or connecting llnee, or to UN. CtalTos, Tl. W. Bt., Ipmenger Agent, UlftF-arna- Omaha, Neb. Btyile at the I at a of any kind of ( tin and you wid soon hoar vipers hies. It is hsrd to conrln eat itlious man that the wor.d fa growing better. Removal of Tlrket OIBee of the New tork, Chicago X SI. Louie Rati- read (Nickel Date Road). On Mav 1st the t hicago cite ticket office of the New York, t hkaio A Bt. Ixiuls K. -- R. iNkw Pale 1 load will bo moved to Adams street, opjoeite the l ostoflke. J. Yv Ciustf, i Eeforawetan do right 111 General Agent pray rights a must dim Rett Time Ten Oe Went Taka tha Burlington Route's Black Hills Montana and Bagel Bound Express. leaves Omaha at 4 33 p m daily, fastest and beet trsm to tha Black Hlllt orthera Wyoming, the Yellowstone National Bark, Helena, Butte, tt pokes a, Seattle and 1 acorns. for raise, time table, etc.', apply to tha local ticket agent or writs 3. Fas vets, G. . r. & T. A., Burlington Rout a Omaha, NaU BT Tbi Tike Pcslisbiso Coupast. r, M. FIMtfcO. S diuw ul Mauagrc.. ''AM1 Columbus baa been vaccinating, her policemen. Ia there any danger of their catohlngc anything? Before Chinn get Into another shVongteit to W4V money and buy a gun." A Georgia I Th Mam b tii ( orf (k th Aiarrdfitni of (ire( Trtrfc of HuJUIer. i ! PrnpTut'Wll.l , the lad lev a .Western W. IE " the i if frost- - the Veteran Hollen E Mrs. Day, trealdent ,,f the W. R. V Soldiers Home of Missouri. I working hard to accomplish the purpose of the organization. A number of desirable bids have been received from localities wanting the home, all of which wiH be To many Spring and its duties it makes pure, rich blood It give Henry Ward Beecters statue Is Still mean ad people head, tired litpbs, and strength to nerves and muscles because aching front of the city hall, but It la believed that It will, in the course of time, throbbing nerve. Just as the milder it endow the blood with new powera weather comet, the strength begins to of nourishment. It creates an lie transferred to Prospect park. That appetite, and wane, and that tired feeling is the tones and streqth.ens thecoma, h aqd, gnat report Is lacking In statuary SV" e ti men Mb nion (complarntcf all. digestive organs, and thlaCuilus h,., rt possesses being thst of J. S. T. The reason for this condition is the whole system and prepares it up to tit' found in the deficient quality of theuieet Hiranahan, l!rHklynit!&LJui'-w- u thq change to war liter wel,litpvsi DoocPis w O Sarsaparilla is a medicine ' tii lan is probably the Amly Jiving. A mervarious causes, the blood becomes upon which you may . depend. It is it an honored by a piibllf statue There loaded 'with'-'inpurities and loses its the only true blood purifier promiIs a fine statue Of Abraham Lincoln' richness and vitality. Consequently, nently before the public n the plaxa leading to Prospect park, eye today but it ia fh a place that la hot calculated as soon as the bracing effect of cold It has a record of cures unequalled in to secure for It thgrealest amount of air is lost, there is langour and lack of the history of medicine. It is the medirespect and care, and th Grand Army energy. The cure will be found in cine ofjvhich so many people write, men wish the authorities to have the purifying-am- t enriching the blood. Hoods doe all tliat it statue placed in a suitable place Inside Hoods Sarsaparilla is the greatest is claimedSarsaparilla to do. You can take of the park. It may be removed In time and best spring medicine, because it is Hoods Sarsaparilla with the confident for a Decoration day celebration. Theae the greatest and best blood vou pure expectation that it will three, with an excellent one of It overcomes that tired feeling purifier. because blood and renewed health. give Take it now. Hamilton In front of the club house at Clinton and ltemsen streets, are all the public statue which the great city of Broqklyn can boast. -i Alexan-der-Hamllto- n, editor Jubilantly exclaims: Thefrult has now passed the danger at PQiL This cheats some physicist out conaidered at the annual meeting be Macon. Bhe urges that memberships a bill for treating appendicitis, jn renewed at once so that there may he a large representation at that meeting A boa constrictor ip reported to be The Os Aa Eogll-- h Lins. dues are s and must be paid St large somewhere in Chicago, but this to entitle one to syear Some singular things are recorded as vote. A payment of will never frighten the average Chi- 4JF makes ons. a member fir life." having happened yesterday between a and 1 Moods Sarsaparilla Is he Only Mrs-Da- criticises a certain post In the department for giving a supper snd entertainment for the benefit of the Cohome at Hlgglnsvllle, while it Tha position of an eastern critic that nfederate has done nothing In that direction for the bicycle Is but a fad that like the 11 own comrades. Mrs. C. A. Day.slSlS roller-skat- e and tennis will have Us Penn street, and. Mrs. Alice L. Glenn, day and be virtually forgotten, la not Fourteenth and Jefferson. Kansas City, tenable. The bicycle is something more Mo., are authorised to receive subscripthan a toy or an instrument for recrea- tions for the home. tion. Ita useful quality gives It a perH trh fur the Drop. manency not second even to the buggy One of the soldier of the Seventh and scarcely second to that of the Into street car. The bicycle la a mode of cavalry at Fort Sheridan strolled numthe canteen one found a rapid transit which does not give out ber of soldiers day and games of one when the horse ia lame or tired, which kind and another.trying Some were tricks In never gets oil the track, never break were amateur athletics and some a trolley or burns out a motor, Dicy- sleight-of-han- d The performances. cles are no more fade than are horses young cavalryman waited till things snd buggies, nor more a fad thamls the eased up a little, and then climbed on a table and stuck the open blade of lii disposition of a man or woman to get Into the plain pine celling. roller-skate slmewhere. Unlike the or pocketknlfe Then he got down and announced that racket, the bicycle is here to stay? he would set a beer bottle so squarely ander that knife that when n. fell It In his Life In Ohio recently pub- would drop straight Into the neck of lished William Cooper Howells made the bottle, Nobody believed he could do It, and befor the knife fell he had a use of the word mourner," as freof bets against his ability. Just quently, employed to qualify a certain number as s bench occupied by repentant! dur- then the knife loosened. Straight neck dart It fell and dropped intp the ing what are known among various of the bottle, touching not so much as orthodox churches as revivals The a hint of the sides, and knocking out mourner's bench" Is no provincialism. the bottom In its heavy fall. There was There is not a community anywhere In . n murmur of amazement and the declathis country, between the Atlantic and ration tliat he could not do It again The cavalryman said nothing, collected Pacific, where Baptists and Methodists hla debts back to his quarters. sre known or wherever evangelists go, After a andorwent two. In which the fame day Is that not more or less familiar with of hla prowess had be n circulated, he the use of this term. And yet neither went to the canteen again and some one the International dictionary, the Centackled him to try the trick again. He said It wasnt any trick: It was tury nor the very latest and superb Standard makes any reference to the simply his ability to gauge correctly. particular word mournera with the signification They had never noticed any him. and mechanical marvels about which Mr, Howells gaVe.- - it in his were to bet that he could they willng book. not repeat the success. Again he look their bets, again he climbed upon a A curious etory eome from San table and stuck hla knife in the celling, ngnln he put a be r bottle under it. gsI Francisco bused on the alleged knife went name, as if avBtn tfHgUmn physician of promiknew the way. Time and again he did nence visiting In that city. This Is to them. And then one day an infnrtry-ma- n the effect that the Identity of the sanfrom Niobrara watched hip- As guinary criminal known as Jack the tha cavalryman got down fron the Ripper has for some time been known table the doughboy noticed a tiny In London to the medical profession drop of water fall from the handle of k a spot on the Horn1. the knife and the Scotland Yard authorities. Acwas When the bottle sef it covered that seems to it the that half this, cording knife when it fell Of course the spot. score terrible butcherlee perpetrated must fall where the kvafer did. Hut under such strange circumstances were the infantryman didn't give It away, committed by physician of more than Says the Chicago Herald. He struck the ordinary skill and esteem. His ab- horseman for a third of the proceeds normal moods of crime visited him at of the bets, and kept Its solution for his use when he gets to his fort on irregular moods of crime visited him at own g not only by. the horrors the frontier. 9 well known to the world, but by A Hint from Henry Clay. craft the most cunning and A known southern politician who well in the execution of died Just before the civil war not Infrequently spoke of an Incident that Our esteemed contemporary, the Madtook place In his first term In efttigress, agascar News, ia its issue of February in which he recelved.a lesson Fn state23, Just received, give an account of a craft from the great whig leader, Henry meeting of the National Aseembiy in Clay. I was a young mas and an enand I en.Antananarivo, Queen Ranavaloman-Jak- a thusiastic whig, he eald, with tered congress, quivering eagerattended la person and waa welness to serve my party and to distincomed with tempestuous enthusiasm." myself. I was on my feet shouting told th o p eo pleth aUsh e guish Mr. Breaker a doxen times a day. I would lead them to battle against the opposed even petty motions made by French, should the fatherland seem in the opposite party, and bitterly deAntanan&rlno, Queen Ranavaloman-dange- r. nounced every MIL however trivial, for According to the News, the which they voted. Before the session and her was half over I had contrived to make pntriotie Ranavalomanjakn obnoxious to every myself prime minister, Ralnllnlarlvony, have democratpersonally met. I that awakened throughout Madagascar as outOne day after an great seal for the countrys cause as break on a question of no moment, I illusblazed forth ia the days of the turned and saw Mr. Clay watching me who with a twinkle In his eye. trious Andrtanampolnlmarlna, he said, 'joq gu flsUins founded the., kingdom Heres to. the T VometimesTu " success Of ths Malagasy iq their strugYes. gle with the invader! Dont you find that the best rod t the one that gives a tittle et each joint? board school la agitating It doeii.noLjSnpp and break at every The London the question ae to Whether school girls touch. t bends, and shows Its strength the memonly when sheavy weight is pyt on It,' should be thrashed. One-o- f "I caught hi meaning. I had seen hbn bers gave ft as tbs fruit of hie experifamiliarly with the very men ence that girls were more spiteful than chatting whom 1 was berating. Yet I knew when thereeeemd to think he and that, boys, great interests clashed he was the one fore, a caning as a rale would da man whom they feared. them good. Queer question in an enf set myself then to learn patience lightened eity, the greatest on earth, snd coolness. It is the strong, flexible rod which does not break under the nnd tn this fin de slecle period. Ducking-stools, long ago relegated to ob- bigA fish. personal friend of General Grant livion, along with banging for theft, During the whole course of the would be about aa appropriate among aays: war I never knew him to Indulge In the English housewives as the gad among acrid personalities which were too English school girls. Henry Ward common among many of the northern Beecher once s&td he made bis children combatants when condemning the leadmind with the use of a gad and hla ens of the rebellion. But he sat down Ibis troops before Richmond with grandchildren with an application of with patience, until he had won sugar .plums and everybody knows Inexorable v the victory. Beecher was wiser in old age than fn To come down from national to doare There not few suscepyouthgirls mestic life. It will always be found that tible to moral suasion. the fretful, quarrelsome member of iho family la of little use in a crisis, it Another California woman comes for- the men and women of coolness, reward with the claim that she actually serve and good humor, who control the in the household as mPn Fair and wedded emergencies captured and women of this type have alwtvx him. She evidently has good ground done In kTTbuman history. Colonel Phoebe Cousins cagoan very muchi eighty miles away. Dwight ia only ,! - and-biar- .blood-curdUn- far-sight- Her-majest- y JC -- - it--n Ilum for the Woman's Relief M iRioBri ti y 1 ' Illinois bacheioiw may be subject to a tax this year and It ia certain that they will bekubject to attacks next year, for itW divisible by 4. nrj t ! hie AND ETCHINGS FOR OLD SOLDIERS. her'"' Dick Croker ia making a pile of money with hi string of borz&s, but It wnt be compared with the money be used to make with hl tiger. saja the New York Free.- - The of Henry W, Slocum alea itave- thsufrurateil a movement t la. the raising of a statue 1 that famous union soldier, and Grand .Army men. some time ago, started s fund for a statuv to General G. K. War- Hdmlr-r- a SHORT SKETCHC3 A melancholy race Tha team run-aia- g down th furrows of old age. lie who thinks bla place below him, will certainty be below his place. for The. thing moat dangerous is the against ne that does most to make ua selfish. poaching otr her preserves. The hard eat kind of repentance to A Chicago man is suing two loer.1 bring sbout la repentance for popu- doctors for $35,000 damages, alleging lar t)H that after his experience with them he There Isi always something coming found that one of hie was toe I to ns, but it la not always Just what short Is be quite surelegs that that Is" w prefer. what alls him. Perhaps the other leg No tree can be coin so great that it is now longer than it realty ought ts can get along without tha help of ltd be .i smallest roots.- ' ' I 1 tri--t-. ST0I1IES. : - UTAH. COALVILLE, I . Statues foe Mrooklya, Three more statues will soon ornament Brooklyn. The City has In the been rather How In the matter of pn sta-- ? tues Snd monuments, hut the sentiment In fhelr favor is growing. The Union Tlesgu club is at work raising funds for the equestrian statue of Geierjj Grant, aa designed br Partridge. This woik of art will be placed on a hug, pedestal on the plaza In front or the club house, at Bedford avenue and Dean -- -4 soldier, a footwarmer, a locomotive other rolling stock on the Great Western line in the parts of Berkshire and Newbarry. The soldier and the were traveling in the same There was, of course, compartment foot-warm- er True Blood Purifier nothing stronger than water Inside the footwarmer; there may have bcetr In! side the soldier. Whether the footwarmer did anything to him boiled his boots But or froze him does not appear. what the soldier did to the footwarmer was first to cast It forth Into space. X The space Into which he cast it happened, at that particular moment, to $ le occupied by the locomotive of another train. Irritated, but Illogical, the footwarmer seems to have struck the locomotive for all it was worth. The locomotive retaliated. Thereupon the footwarmer went back to its own train for the soldier. In Us eagerness to get at him it broke the handle off the carriage door, and the w rong carriage door at that. Failing the door, it tried the window, and the nerves of the lady who occupied the compartment. She screamed, fhe footwarmer recoiled, made a last desperate effort, broke an- other window and fell exhausted on the six foot way. There It was picked up, weltering in some congealed fluid or other, and battered almost out of recoga nition What light the soldier may be able to throw upon this strange drama remains to le seen. I Enduraor of the ('liinaoe. Remarkable though the statement la In the Run's Chinese correspondence concerning the endurance of Chinese soldiers. I cun quite undei stand it. said an suigeon of San Francisco, who Is visiting New York "The correspondent says that, though the men In questtlon were shot through the chest disand the hend, they walkedtances; and In one case. If I remember aright, It waa a hundred miles. "During four years of service as police surgeon in San Francisco. I saw prwtt jr mvaiw was of wounded Chinamen ) e, and China women, too and I declare their Insensitiveness to pain seemed to be almost absolute. Part of It, I have no doubt. Is due to racial. Inherent stoicism; but 1 am also Inclined to the opinion that the Chinese do not feel the pain as we do. Now, 1 rerpem-be- r the esse of a woman who waa brought down to the city prison ward from Chinatown with her head literally split open in five places by one Vf the hlghblpdera hatchet men. From the very first to the last I think she died ahe gave no Indication of pain, and dtd not ev en refer to her Injuries. The Chinese dislike our surgical appliances-.-- . ourTcnlves and sawa, not, however, because of the pain they produce, but because that sort of treatment Is foreign to their Idea. Let one of their doctor put a pitch plaster over an Injury, no matter If It be a broken leg, a lost nose, or a hole through the lungs, and the man will be perfectly satisfied, and will accept whatever may come without a word of suffering or complaint. They're certainly a queer people." a-- Prominently . in the Public Eye Today. ?? i M FH 5 WH-K- t WJW ; ; LMI Very Latest Styles, Bu ? 11 way wanton Elegant Patterns for 10 Cents Each, When the Coupon Below is Sent- The Retail Price of these Patterns is 25, 30, an? 33 Cents.Esch, 6346. Pattern 643 -- Fhe sizes, xlr. Pattern Five Pattern 63m Five izcs, y:x Pattern 6347 Four iuea, riz 6347. 38 and 40 inch bunt measure 98 and 40 tm h bust nuasure 3e and 40 inch bust measure 35 St 36, 8J 81 86 84 36 : 10, 12, U : and 16 years price 2o centa. price 25 cents. cents. price 25 25 cents. pried COUPON. Any one or zll of the alove patterns will be sent for Q Cents Each when this to pun Is enclosed with the order, otherwise the regular prne will be ihurged A 10 send I cent additional tor each pattern ordered to cover postage etc (,lve number of inches waist measure lor skirts and number of lnihes bust measure for waists. Address COUPON LOCK COAPANY, -- 744. BOX REW YORK, N. Y. WALTER BAKER & GO. THE SILVER QUESTION. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HICH CRADE .COCOAS CHOCOLATES AND .Oaths CsnSneat. hw ncdvsd 1 HIGHEST AWARDS tea tha grcal Internal end Feed Hk EXPOSITIONS " T nlike th Pntch 1nymi, Rfi A1VI lie er ether LhrmirtiiorllmM n(4 tn any of tSir frrptrrton OLD WALTER BAKER A EVERYWHERE GROCER BY . ' 11 'k Co You Want to Understand the Science of Money?. It Is Plainly Told in Wheel,. fop your Wagons fn COINS FINANCIAL SERIES EXT Nat of tmr series i 25 POSTrAID. Is BntETAt.tisa situ br Archbishop Walsh of Dulil.a, eight pages. An able dots, Ireland went, cent Coix s Hard Book, by Vt H. Harvey. Deals with the elementary principles of money sod statistics. Forty six pages, 1C eents . No. 2 tn M Rtt kiffk, !UflloWHfa Sirm WMtb !? Ivr, , V.-j- &iOQRCKESTIRrKAS3. Meta An r . - Tfcetr doiteloua BHKAKt A8T COCOA It atwoluuly aoluUBt ceafa Itm ebon mm tmnt m fn nad f iteVSfN.tev:. l Xnpntve gem Anecdote th m vl4-b- ut to 01 MV In hla busiest hour Napoleon Bonaparte waa kind tochlldren. At the bat- Cob lam m ay tle of Austerlitz a little girl asked him titoM in o pMt onto m Ur for his autograph. f low Certainly, my child,'" said he. Then to fit yoor wmiro turning to one of his aides, he cried; firkailtn ntia,fodUor, mao. Stop the battle for ten minutes I wish ora, hw 4 Ko to write my name for this child. vorattlBff of tlrao It will take ten minutes, will It?" COtt e frra. AddrrtoCo. Emplra asked the child. . a Dos 83 quifej iU. returned Napoleon. f Yes, quite, "Ive a much bigger name than I used Beemins-Peosln-Gu- i, t have," At the battle ,of Waterloo, when the THE PERFECTION OF day was over, an aide riding hastily to CHEWING CUM- .brcaUiUsS' cried out. rider the emperor's A Mclccs ly; R:med; "Sire, the battle Is lost. For sH returned farmtof "Let the emperor. Good," It stay lost. I don want It any more." INDIGESTION. Listening to a discussion among bis officers as to the value of a name, tb CAtTIO'- that ' A BAHId 1 M lac h 1S Bonaparje once said: It has much. Do beever could I have that you suppose HR tablet ontalmt erne come emperor of France If my name 4P Ly 4" Jr Jr ' P train pura pepaia. lftb no The French rum rno b TibtalnM No, A T had been Skaggs? 4 irirti MMhaBftitatk ifwnr frw seiftl 6 ecau but Emperor tl stomps fnr rampt ticfcae to will stand a great deal, their deepBEI HAAS I HEMIC 41 CO., Skaggs would hate aroused O 1 Baa SL est animosity." Harper s Bazar. Cmm. Or!lator Spin CtowtcCIptbIibIi No SCotS s Tikakciax, School, by W. H. Harvey. Illustrated 150 pages and 64 Illustrations It simplifies the financial subject so an ordinary schoolboy oa n understand It. It is the textbook ot the masses, absolutely reliable as to facta and figures, snd the most interest-th- e snd entertaining book on the subject of money published. Prite. best edition, paper, sewed coyer two colors. 50 cents. Popular edition. 25 cents Cloth, 1100. No. 4. A TALE or two NATIOKS, bv W. H. Purvey A not el of 3U3 pages. A love story that gives the bbtory of demonetization and deplus the evil spirit snd influences that have worked the destruction of American A taeclnatlng and instruc tive bosk prosperity. It bolds the reader with wonderful Interest from beginning lo end. Popular, edition He eents: eattrs qtmHtg paper ft cents; la tloth It ul Na 5. Cbaptcbs oh Mlvek by Judge 110 pages. Henry G. Miller of Chicago A book suitable for sll thoughtful readers of the 25 money question. Paper only, tents No to Date Fnusaib School Costisced bv W.Coin H Harvey. Illus-trate- d. i? O pages sad JO lliuatratKUis It le a history of Com the little financier, (time tus lectures in Chicago It fa dedicated to the readers of Com s Financial bcHOOL. and should only be read by lhoe who have read tbo echool. Every voter In ths I'nited States should read tt. edition, K cents; better paper edition, Popular 60 cents; cloth. The Maw o the ta.k. In St. Paul an army officer was enof friends to dinner, tertaining a party and among them was a civilian who was an entertaining story teller, but his statements. Oq very Improbable In he told of being oft the this occasion tn an Indlanman, Cape of Good Hopej when a floating objecta was discovered, which proved to be eaelt whereon a man we seated clinging to a small stall tn the bunghole. Of course he was invited to come aboard, but he refused, and said: "I'm very comfortable here. Can I take Im bound for the Cape. Amid the silence letters there for you?.Incredible yarn a which followed this arose and said colonel trying gravely: For years I haveto been that ship to belonging to find someone for kindness the shown return thanks last I am We tm that oecsFlon. I At to do so, Str, was the man on We send the following four books postpsld for 1100 Bimetallism snd Monometallism (55 cents), Coin s Hand Hook (10 cents). Coin s Financial School (50 cent edition), and A Tale of lwo Nations (SO cent edition! 1 25 for fl 00. In ordering theae, say Set No 1. of 4 books " We also furnish for tl 00 Bimetallism snd Monometallism (25 cents). Coin a Hand Book (10 cents). Coin s Financial School 26 cent edt Hon). A Tale o( Two Nations 25 cent edition). Chapter on Silver (25 cent edition), snd Up to Data. Coin s Financial School Continued (25 cent edition). 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