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Show WRESTLING ITCH ON NEXT TUESDAY According to Chairman McLean of the "Eagles" committee, which has charge of the staging of the Haibert-aon Haibert-aon DuCray wrestling mutch at the Eagles' hall, next Tuesday night, Interest In-terest in the bout is fast increasing among the local fans The fact that DuCray stayed for an hour with Har-1 Har-1 berlson in their previous match, which was conceded to have been one of the best ever staged in the city, and that he has been in steady training train-ing since that time .is assurance that the coming bout will be thoroughly in teresting McLean stated last night that the men will wrestle on a raised plat form and that the seating has been arranged on a plan of elevations so that every one who attends the bout will have a good view. Arrangements have been made to stage a battle royal, In which five negroes will participate, as one of the preliminaries and others are being planned. |