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Show uo MINERS AT WORK IN SILVER KING Park City, Nov. 9. The strike at the property of tho Silver King Coalition Coa-lition Mlne3 company's property ended end-ed today. Of 210 former employes who applied for work today, 149 were signed up. Work In the mine was begun tonight, as many export miners, machine men and tho old engineers are among the men who have returned to work. The spirit of thej strike died at a meeting meet-ing of slxty-flvo held In tho union hall tonight, when forty-fivo of the number present votod to return to work. WiUx tho general movement of men to tho mining property to apply for work this morning, tho feeling of gloom that has hung over Park City since tho walkout lifted noticeably. Glad That It's Over. The men themselves . are glad that the thing Is over and many feol that the situation might have boon avoided entirely had the conservatives conserva-tives asserted themselves at the time of the walkout as did tho radicals. As it was, the division came in the meeting of Monday night, when arguments ar-guments between the two factions became be-came so "striking" that ringsldo seats were In domand tor a few minutes. The fact that snow began to fall horo today probably hastened tho determination de-termination of many of the married men to return to work. It Is expected ex-pected that by Wednesday night tho limit set by tho company for prefer-once prefer-once to old employes in hiring men, most of the 370 men who walked out will be back In tho ranks of the company's com-pany's workers. Superintendent J. Humes said tonight that, with the men back, the mine would probably be running as usual within a few days. While nothing is bolng given out by the management of the company, com-pany, it Is known mat the action of the mon In returning to work is appreciated. ap-preciated. Their conduct is regarded as an evidence of good faith on the part of the majority. rn |