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Show 1 BBIBBBtEKIKUKIUBtEIBKBKKttlKBttKKKtUKBBItKKKBKSnBKBSKKKBP& I Christmas Greetings j I TO ALL OUR PATRONS I I 1914 Has been a year of much H satisfaction to us. Our old patrons and the many new ones that have come to us during the year have 1 added to the strength of this banking g institution. I Wm !-)ur appreciation and best withes go out to all of you HS1 with Yuletide Greetings. I Ogden State Bank OGDEN, VI All iisiH '''laaslMBMgMBWBW Commencing Saturday, Dec. 26th and Continuing Throughout Following Week I The Road to True Economy Leads to Our Store I IWe have inaugurated a YEAR END SALE. This is to be one of the liveliest of the season, acting as the Climax I in VALUE-GIVING and one that will crowd our store with eager customers all week. j We have gone through every department and marked everything irrespective of cost or former prices given each article a price that vill make the process of stock-reducing as speedy as possible. j We have cut the price with but one object in view TO MAKE A FINAL CLEAN UP of our ENTIRE STOCK I of LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEARING AFPAREL preparatory to taking inventory and to the re- I ceivir.g of our new Spring Goods. I This decisive underpricing in Women's Appael is unprecedented providing values that can hardly be over- estimated. $ NEVER before has a greater opportunity been offered to buy such merchandise at such amazingly low prices. J Where could' youv Christmas money be spent to better advantage? This is the sale you have been looking for. i DON'T MISS IT THE PRICE INDUCEMENTS ARE SIMPLY ASTOUNDING. II Trimmed Hals WSB -J1 iSS ur entre l,ne f Class Trimmed I 'SBL - . V R p Fiats, regardless of former vlaue, are all P - t marked down to this One Price Level for ' lyrf rlsywFl I this YEAR END SALE- i SB j j l ' in this display you will find hats vorth ' ggj ' :? stricted choice at our YEAR END J Ladies' Trimmed Hals MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS. One Lot TWO LOTS WONDERFULLY UNDERPRICED fifcB AT 75c each AT 65c each AT 25c each KfS Former values up to WSm fH $4.00. Former values up to $4.00. rormer values up to 1.50. JllSrV & fS jjPtl1 Coats especially adapted for middle-aged Ladies. P TVJ Bargain Table No. One Bargain Table No. Two Bargain Table No. Four xMy? ; p VnilNr I AniF' pOAT 0NE L0T AT 5395 EACH AT $4.35 EACH i I LALHto UAO BLACK CARACUL-Unusual value. . Seasonable, Jaunty Coats possess- 7W , y jAT$6.95EACH- Formerly $7.50. ?0 F ' Sty'C- Va'UCS "P . We have most anv mode' you can n nr i i vi ri can fora big d.spiay to select from Bargain Table No. Three Bargain Table No. Five jf V- J at this unmachable price ONE LOT AT $2.95 EACH AT $2.95 EACH y r 3ll Newest and Smartest Models Val- Zl BE LI N E Wonderful pick up at Smart Winter Coats, values unpar- j v- - "P1 ues up to $15 00. this price Formerly $6 00. alleled. Formerly $6.00. NOTICEABLE SAVING CHANCES IN MISSES', CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' COATS I- 0 K INCOMPARABLE VARIETIES OF USEFUL GOODS wSOr IBk 0 AT EXCEPTI0NALLY LOW PRICES Bargain Table No. Six Bargain Table No. Eight ' 9)j4' -), f?!'HfeSjV INFANTS' COATS CaraCuland Ei- LADIES WAISTS Don't miss dCr'Dc7n' W2,nderfUl Va,UCS' Pn'Cd $2.00 PPOrSunity- Va,U" UP m fil iWh AT $1 05 EACH Petticoats I n complete array of fiiSffSsi Litif&l&Z' 'J3ttt&ii SKIRTS AND WAISTS-For ev- "lors- Children's Wash Dresses g'ya-ra &AHB&&f--'tl -VitaSS . Waists House Dresses Al above il sAWk&l ''f'm -Mi&3B ery purpose, all underpneed. For- wonderfully underpriced and sold feS-VS . XS. Y fiSfftTTMa Va'Ues UP t0 $4' during heighth of season at $1.50. SPLENDID VALUES IN COATS k V H?;:'; No argument will be necessary when you see these IPi V 'iCwflfc ' ' i m V seasonable coats you will see style and service from I -bPt W'O collar to hem. This remarkable collection of garments i !'" ti'-rf 1f? is now erec at decided discounts for Clearance. I NOTE: During this YEAR END SALE and for the I 'k convenience of our customers we have placed a number of YEAR END BARGAIN TABLES on the second I '.':.;v ".' tTT- -S--:: floor. Each table displays unprecedented bargains mark- I i : ;:o SKSHSMP ed with our special YEAR END SALE PRICE. I OUR YEAR END SALE INCLUDES ENTIRE STOCK SUITS FURS EVENING DRESSES j 1 THE LEADER Put on the rollers at the Globe rink. We cater to the refined. A rink of quality, managed by the Alhambra Co! Advertisement. ! oo- Read the Classified Ads. RICHMOND, MO, HAS BIG FIRE Richmond, Mo., Dec. 25. Fire tbt ftarted from an overheated stove the basement of the Estes deoarlrj store today destroyed the estab'' ment with an estimated loss oi I0"'' 000. oo . , Enlarged orchestra, with Blaney's great production, "Across the Pacific," at the Isis tonight. ., i -oo Read tue Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. J 1 i |