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Show SPPDULE IS TO MEET HIS FAMILY IT MSIOW President W. P. Sproule of the Southern Pacific was in Ogden for a short time tins evening, leaving on Union Pacific train No. 6 tor BvaUS-ton. BvaUS-ton. Wyo. He Is scheduled to return al 5 26 p. in today and to go west at G:40. It was at first thought that the prominent official would stop at Ogden Og-den all day. but he is to meet mem-1 I. crs of his family at Evauscon and to return to San Francisco on train J No. 07. nn Coat stolen Th.- police received I a repori last nlnht from the- store of Last A Thomas to the effec; tluil two ladles' coats valued at .- I each had been stolen. i |