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Show fA t aiolsvltle judge hat most rojxrtlr ruled that It ,a womau Main a man's hat the, mum tike Ito.T when the appears ia falsconrt It la better to bo tonchnl bjr tlie poverty of the InJoslrlout Hir than hy the Imp , cunleui Irlend The) bull n rln-trle light plants are rruwlng lamer ami mora numerous every I yiar. Sarnl ia a good thing to hare In you, but I It doesn't Improvo the raror when taken with strawberries "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." " GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO SALT LAKE CITY DIRECTORY UTAH IMPLEMENT CO. g& Mllrbell r.roi sail Spring Watoaa. Ilushroril I ami Vfsguns. Ilennejr llusilea ami CarrUga. Molina Slecl -os ( alirornU Aleal I'lswsl ll.wk Itlanit Hint l'lowtl I Ilesl Slerl Harrow Maila. Wrlla for TrUea V. AVrftl-l saa ef l4 SWIIB IMI IIIM1 s,ll not Watfll Mad rrsu la Itlpaiia loamlral Co.fW Turk.farlassuiplMsaa IjuultssUiaiialtl. I C $&gR,l23 PE N S 1 0 N , I I IIICKH1IU), u Mhloiton. I). U- lha, II olllrecelTenulckrrpllas HHhN ILol ' BisStoth Corps. P(o,ccullsiClslDsilactlB7l J aWlene MS. I J HE NEW LIGHT. Ch.ap.r lhaa (Vial Oik bol mara brilliant , , than I lerlrUII,, . , oend Fon cinouLAna. ClonarcH pcetglenc Gas Gsaciator Co. I OMAHA, NEBRASKA. AGENTS WANTED. lEpwortIK League NATIONAL CONVENTION. INDIANAPOLIS. IND., JULY 20-23, 1000. ....ONLT.... I One Fare Round Trip Fip. thnt frm points within AS ' mllM ihsvieiiMlon frw he On B4 ln-tlilrd rr for lloand Trip not to ioa on dollar BIGlF;OUR" Tlekats still be on aala from all points Jo r ID, au.lt. rmmalliMilnlswIIKIa 78 r.'ar.te0!',,,,',,iUo'J','r "-'"' "'" llatarnlnr tickets will be (nod to Ware Inillanaunfls u, Julf Stth. with m protl.o hat If llakete ara .lapo.lliKl wllh Joint Ajraat at luUlanapolls uot later than Jnljr Stth.andparmantor fee of SO ranis at the lima or dHi,IU tlrkalt roar ta Ilend.d In leara I nillsnaiolU to and Insladloa Ang ost l-Virfull Informstloa rersrdlar tloksta, rates sb1 routes anil lima of trains call oa arrnls "lllc 1 our Iloute," or address the uadsrsUroed. t o. Mccormick, warren i. lynch. r.M. Tr.l Sir, ImI. t.m, rM. a IMH sk CIMOtMNATI. U, YOUNG MESM! It jot liar motwr to wait try all tU "CurfV roo Mr Litow r hrr or. If tvu ' t nrn tL rbiKH l rMUnf Mrhtiir Nir lli laj-lluna whlcli r waid tr lnliu(U)n(i rflutttrQr.l4.rmBfslkl-h la avhstssitrtdr Mr bd ohlrlt iMr falU In our unnatitnl feTftasYT, tta nialU-r hu aarrtosai t?r of bow Isjo atai4 wtj tht ratal nuay b. et OH TAiisrtt ok'AV sprcinc' B No csm Known It hu cvtr tftlkd to Curt. fH KoittUif Uk art. lisMtUtukiUalUidikT4oidrairrsai IH f4UhaUarss-misnl.aatt. iu laaiakra wiiTixil KV frMMtnhlordainltis.fiimbualuNa Prlo,f3 00. H FwMUbrlliuUldnitrTit.ir atxil itrrttaiit Vy . H p. j4Jol raifst'il, cm iwrtpt of ftc I f WM PADST CHEMICAL CO. n CiiTuUr auiiasi t rQs- cuiCaW, Iix, H SCVUZM I Um Rig UUr unntlnrtvl f fltalf.l alacharc, (oflarBtnallooa, H frfrf uaraM4 J trrttatioaa or ulcarallooa jilaaaH ISiIMi "llarWlH. ' ,B,,M ' , ",B1"',I)'' !ai.B VTWltfUjCWCMICilCo.tntir'polaODou. B CmowilTI,.Jl ld br DrairvlaU, B Siu MW.frlwflMlltft," K V 'Jfr u ClrcvUr ! o roam DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR SsstStih samplo,trmtMMik and tta sdrlrs how t curs tba rr worst rasas ut drspapsla. coniUps. lion bilious bradsrha. Ilrrr, Uldnrr and lung rtlarasea, HrmMlv bf mall for acta, and II. Dr II J, Kaj Mntlcsl (.. Saralws. N Y r" CANDY CATMAnTlC . iFR?E!Ayijraa Frnd UranU for Ono 1 rar s Mnbwrtptlsa Irrralar nrlra JIUli In In. uio.1 l".l.r.llr. oiooUiir palM llabsd, d.rou.1 tatha Uondrrtul, oiransa. Carious, S.lnra'. M.rrls1ThrUltaMorW.Mr.aiid at anra r-lrllf . thalnok'uooOaaLs. A IIKstTII 1 1. nionthlr. UTrrfoml litil...nnlr, tlony rrlurnrd llaol.all.naJ" TIM! .UONIlltluVV ftlTill. lit II l'alkltawUullaliis, ,, V.;ll. n on The Rrcalt.l Hallway hyattm. of I Ibc United sl.lrs jo Use CARTER'S ink: ... ThcrwMiMntUstellir.twi.atrood. - Cutityou nomorrihm jioorUk, i laiUt it jhhi htvlaf It, 00''B i tmiNkiWi I WHEAT WeSM WHEAT "Kothlnv but wheat; what you might call a fa of whrnt." In wtiat wir ald by a lcturtr ttiwaklnc of Nntrrrt Canada. Can-ada. Kor particular ua to routta, rail ! nay farea. etc.. apply to Huperlntendrnt of immlKrallon. IVpiirlmont interior. Oi-tRMit, Oi-tRMit, Canada, or to C. J, Umushton, 1231 Monadnock iilock, Chlcaco, 111. I "Why I docs my cake smell so queer?" Too much soda or perhaps per-haps alum or lime. Uso Schillings Bat baking pow- der. o HERE is a medical lecture in a nutshell. The Kidneys drain water and impurities from the blood. The liver makes bile and helps to drive off other waste. If these organs work badly the body becomes a cesspool and disease di-sease sets in. You mustget them into healthy action or die. i Dr. J.HJMc Lean's iverjKidneylMo I. in old ami unsuips.aaj c.iuedr for tlukacba. llsbilllr. blrrplcssnas.. Lost Appallls. fosl Jong-ur, rslpilatlora and all olhtr .ynritoml of Iscasala thosa Ols.n. It cans as well M pla-' pla-' .sals amr arfloua Irogbla In Kldn.l, U.rr or UladJ.r. Atdrurilsts, llipr twlllt. Tilt DR. J. H. MCLEAN MCDICINC CO. T LOUIS, MO. i WN. U Salt Laka-No, 347Tdob. When nnawerlno fldvtrtlotmuiu Klndla I Mention This r.ptr. j HEALTH AND BEAUTY. M A Book That Should Be- in tho H Hands of Every Woman, M Mrs. McKee Itankln. one of the fore- H most and best known character c- tresses and stage artist of this genera- tlon, In speaking of Pc ru-no, says. H "No woman should be without a bt IH tie of Pe-ru-na In reserve" Mrt Me- Hl Kee Itankln Mrs P.llia Wlke 12 tH Iron street, Akron, Ohio savs "I IHH srt' PSsvl JKJs. CWlrJJlY taaBaUl AmrMt ' ; -' ir ' ' M would be III my gruto now It ft bad H not been for your Clod-sent remedy, B Pe-ru-na. I waa n broken down worn- H an, had no appetite, what little I did H rat did not agreo wllh my stomach, H It It now teven year past that I used H Pe-ru-na and I can cat anything" H Mrs. Kllia Wlke M Kvery woman should hare a copy H of Dr. Hartmsn's book entitled H "Health and Ilrauty." This book con- H tains many facts of especial Interest in H women Dr, Ilnrtman ha treated H mora ailments peculiar to women than H nny other physician In the world This H book gives In brief his long aud vsrlsd H experience. H Send for free book on catarrh Ad- H dress Dr. Ilnrtman, Columbus, Ohio, IH The last big Urn reported from Damon H ITtyuiakra the fourth lu tbolaattnovevra. H Three of them aturlr.1 In saloons ami twr H wrro tha direct n-snlt of fights. Drsplta H the low tetnwrutura of tho irjflou they H will pmlubly mnlliiua to bavo hot time H In Dawson at long as tho whisky and build- jH log material last H Dr. Otto Nargrll a Hwlss physician de- H clnrcs Hint tho liest way to overceinn In- H soinidi It to imitate Hit brcalhlnir f H msn Tfholssslecpsnl to loaka the head H undergo tho various movements to ono H sldeand thootherwhloliuiinuncoiisitously H makes while falling asleep hi a alllliia: l posture. Often the men of meant are the very H meanest M Are loo IJ.lor Allan's rant. ICasef H It I tht only cure for Swollen, H Smarting, Burning, Sweating Fret. Corn nnd llunlon. Atk for Allen' Foot-Kase, powder to be thaken Into H the fhoci. At all Druggists and Suoa Stores, "Be Sampla sent ntlCS. Ad- dreti, Allen 8. Olmtted, Lcltoy, N, Y. It It suggested thtt cannonading bring .H rain, which, If true, vrhcu Admiral Dewey H and tho Fourth of July meet tbould hrlns? H on about the worst rslnv istson that H America has over wltuesscd H Tli man who can't be humbugged ml.se blf tho Joys of llfs a1ay raadara An necM.ailly people of aioallent Jode-mtnt, Jode-mtnt, taste and roButonot. la travtllar they demand the twst a.rvloe ebtetnsUa sad the tlbtrsuly with wbkih they pat-ronlie pat-ronlie the Union Pacific la 'on a of lb bsaV proofs of that lias's superiority Ticket office, "Old StsnJ," JO I lm slltst. Tlie real hypoorltes amenif man sod women, too, aie those who convince them selves lu doing something selfish and mean thatUioyaia following tbo dictates of a ssoi-ed, though painful duty I lirnule Constipation Cured. Tba io.i.t Important elsoo.err of reeaol rear, la tha po-lilfe remedr for eou.tlpatle-a Cssrarals Caailr ( albartle CurestiatsBleed Lrvi. tils, Wa, Ua sua, Tho government has bought a qusrtsr section of isud In South Dakota for th ooorainodslloa of all tha Insane Indians In the United Btales s.n Indian Insaao ssy. turn ought to be a pi city lively place. I shall reoomnisnd Plto'a Cure for Consumption Con-sumption far aud wide Mrs Mulligan. ITuoistead, Kent, Kngland, Ivor, t, lb5. "I think, Klugeen we ought to do soma- thing to hold up the white man't burden ' ' "All rlgbti let s follow the first jig down soma side street and try our luck " , Mrs.tVlnslow-s aoalalag lyraa forebUoraaUalhlBS sotlaaaltasam. ra4...ta Ssaiiiislloo,aUar.iSla,salslata9lla UIHS j a bonis jg ITie French have laid claim to Dswey oa 1 tho ground that bo descends from a Hugue- not family naraod Delluoy, and tbo Del-glans Del-glans have put lu a plea for blm as Ds Way. |