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Show UTAH NKWS. SH The opera house at lloblnson la tin PPJ drrgolng extensive modern Improve J nrnt. Itye I In bloom and fall wheat lia PPJ commenced lo head la aoro (mrt of J the atato. j (urn ami potatoes arn coming up pH nicely anil there are no complalnta of BJ poor stand H I lali furnishes more than three feV fuiirthanf all the liiceru seed In the I nlted Stales, M All the Utah railroad largely n J creased their earning last inontli orer JH the tuontli of May, lsi Jfl Fifty tara of thrrp will I moved f mm Southern Utah thin month to 1 en H nrssee l'as In Colorado M The yield of strawberries will lie mucli ".mailer till season than unal, owing to the cold weather pH The weathcrscemstohavobceii ijulte laforalile lo the augsr bed, ami the J report on tbat crop are very encourag Pfl n j While people In the east are aiiouiimb- HH Inf to tlie intense heat the cltltcnaof V Euh feel rerjr romfortnlile under their J blanket thme nights. J The Hyntcute Dinning ciiiiipanjr ha PBJ commenced the erection of a new building which will enalite them to J double their output till year J Kphralma city official are attempt Ppt Inf to enforce Iheiurfewnrdlance, unil J Hnall lioya found on the atrreU after 0 j m.are attested one dollar J The last shipment of Utah Hour re j oelved at Hongkong brought tup notch HH price, and Utah miller will In the H fatare disposed of their aurplu tock H U the market of IheOrlenL PHJ A cult bearon theinounlaln aide near J rsnnlngton fnrnUhed a lively chase for local sportsmen one day lat neck The 1m ar won theruee however, bilng J too awlft of foot for It pursuer. M The Utah I I'arllto ha Uikl one pM k unci red ear of cattle for tlila month J to lie thlpped from Modena I orty car pH were alilppeit Saturday and forty more PBJ will he tnoiird In nhout ten day H Ike I)miI1i tire coutul In Halt Lake J ( lly ha received from the management PBJ of the no at Copenhagen a re(urt to pH purrhaae epeclinrnaiif Hocky mountain PPJ will animal for the .oo garden. PBJ If the wont fenr are nallud re P-Hjf "tardlng the lot of lomatoc ncraatonrd pBfl Vt th reoenl froatln l)vlooualyrth ppfl tputotlhe canning plant wilt tie pBH reduced till season about II.M) Out) pflV I tali I fast forging to the front a pll arr prtMlucer, with two factorle In PBJj attlve operation, one un ler course of PBl euiittmctloii, and pruprct of two or PBl tlu-ee luoro being erectcil lu the near pBf future pH 'J here are siren csuulng plant la pH Ravlaaud Wetar counties. During the PPJ teason they ordinarily put up sooooo H eae of Uimatoo, twenty four two and H ene-half uund can to the caw. bv H l le the regular run of frulL H "Mire' Tip, all llawklna, an al H Irired inemlier of the llohber a Hoott Hj I ami of outlaw, who wa ciipturtd by H Joe ttui.li down In Houllieni tllah near H the Arliona line, ha lx.cn placed In H the I'niro jail for Mife kei pin if H lrl M Aainwlt, lllodmnde Writ- Hj em aectlon liainl, fell under the wheel B ofaiiiotlnt; train at Varmlngton on Fm the 1th, and waau'moatiutlntwo He ffTj lluitrreil In agony aliout two lioura dy HH lntr hortly after Iwlug remoritl to the H hospital B .Morgan, the youthful detperado who h""" I to beearcutedlu July forthe murder H of I'ullce Captain llrown ut Oirdui, now M BCtuplea the aame lell at the tate pan M Itentlary In whlih Patrick (.oglilau, M who waa eaciutrd III lln-emlier, IDUA, M ptwd III lt day pJBi llyrum Wlhox watclminn for the Hk llraant alley Ual company, killed 2 lanre luountalii lion mar Caatle (late PPPB', Two of llieao nnliuat liare been killing PJH ttock In the vicinity for ome time, PPfB and killed ttveral boie Imlouglng to PPPHj the coal company PPS" '1 he alnte land lionrd h ileildnl to pJPj; purchaae the Hn Juu county bond 1 lixue 1 lie ainouut voted I tl 000 but Vf the couutv will only dlapoae of bond VPBA to the umouiit of 3 oon at pre uL !? Die proceed will be used In paying olT PKl warrant Indebedtrdneu PawBW One of the member of the Salt I ake PSawt' Bra department wa vUlted by acollrv SaV torlaat .Trek, when the flru laddie KybVE -rave the vlaltor a good bath, on the uBVK ground that ' a collector bit no right SSeS to life" Mow the funny debtor I on CTjflH a 'tl.lilng trlpfora few day. iliuHl An eight year old boy while In at Hh tendance at a party In Hobliuon waa MKi nduccd by oine older boya to Imbibe Hfl loo freely of lutoxkant, and on III RMjK way home the little fellow fell Into a HHPu cellar and broke III arm III parent K will prosecute tho guilty partlra. H The trenlum Irrigation X Wuter- Hl workarompany an organUatlon formed -Vafaff by twcntyaU reldeut of Sanpete fBt tounty tncontroltliwaternpply from K "errant, Maplocanyou and Ilerll a (late H unyon creek haa Sled article of In- H lorporatlou with tbetei-retaryot tto. I R |