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Show PJPJH Detroit rmlilrnt. PPPH James I) Uurns It the new owner PPH of the Detroit elub In conjunction with PPPfl George BtAl'.lnga, snd It president of PPH ths club Mr Hums cm truthfully PPPH be colled a Detroit product, as ha waa PJPJH born In Bprlngwells, Just four and one- PPPB half miles from the city hall, attended PJPJH Detroit schools anil has Im-cii In Do PJPJHf troll nenrly every diy of his life from PJPJH tho time he was 6 years old up to H tho present day Ills father was a H brlckmakor and that It thn business H that Jim learned when n boy and fol- H lowed until 10 years ago Always In H tenntod In sports of all klnda he be H caoio Identified with the Cathollo club HH I'KlieiDKVT I1UKN3 HH and tho M A A , and won many HH prlies na a hour and wrestler In the HiH amateur classes The possessor of jngH many friends, Ilurns naturally became fiSBEfiK a politician, and It Influential In city jfljH tnd county elections, his campaign In jXmH behalf of Duff Stewart for sheriff two jnjLV ream ago being well remembered A (SHBj tnlf-mada men Is Jim Ilurns who wet WWS Into butlnoss for lilmtelf about 10 HfiH years ago, and Is bow ' oc easy street " HtBfj althou4 only 31 )ars of nge He tiH married seven years ago, has a II- HjH month old son, Jim, Jr., owni an el- H fant homo at the corner of Church B and lllevtnth streets, Is heavily Inter- B eated In a brisk manufaoturing plant H st Sprlngwellt and bat other business H Interests In addition to his cafe on Mtaalnn avenue. Mr Ilurns dos oot prof"-, to know miwli about thn Itsa ball basinsss, but astoelate.1 with him Is (leorae tltalllngt, a man who has had years tt experlene on the diamond, dia-mond, both as a player snd manager, a man who It admittedly one of the best leader In the American league a splendid Jadge of young players and a known developer of talent TMt It tufflelent to warrant the prediction that Detroit will have a ball team thla soaaon Hportlng Life, |