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Show l'rrfectly rreiwaUroaa. H When tho late Hon. P. II. Winston H first attended court In Tyrrell county, North Carolina, after beginning to practice, ho stopped on his way thither to spend the nlgbt with a brother law- ycr, then In full practlco, who, In re- lH construction days, obtained a Judgeship and tho tltla ot "Jaybird" Jones, soys th New York Telegraph, To entortntn H his young friend, Jones on aald occa- , , slon discoursed largely of law, and among other Inquiries put this question H to young Winston: "1 havo," said he, H marking the line on the floor as ho H proceeded, "this land case. Heglnntng H at A nnd running to D, my coursu and H polcago (distance) Is all right, and ths H sarao from II to O nnd 0 to I); but In H running from D to tho bcgtnnlnr nt H A, my course I all right, but my polo- H ago overruns. Now, why can't I bend H out and get mf polcageT" "Well," Bald B Winston, looking Intently at the dla- Hk gram, "no reason at all, except this t fellow out here, a miserable tinner, BPm might say. 'Why don't you bend In Sraisv nnd get your polengof" "Ah!" said SewS Jones, In n passion, "that Is preposter- K$&f ous, sir; pcrfertly preposterous!" 8(Vvi |