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Show SORENSEN IS SEVERE Price. Feb, 10. Juvenile Judge E. D. Sorensen arrived here Sunday night to hold a session of the juvenile ju-venile court, and. as a result of his labors, six keepers of pool halls and other resorts were fined for Belling tobacco to minors and allowing boys to frequent their places. Sixteen boys, all of them attending school, were before the judge, accompanied by their parents in most instances,. These boys, the most of whom were charged with using tobacco, each had a heart-to-heart talk with the Judge: who gave them some very' good advice ad-vice and released them on their prom Ise of future good behavior. He warned warn-ed the keepers of pool halls, after administering a fine, that if they were again arrested on the same charge they would be dealt with severely se-verely Six lads from Emery county, with their parents, were also brought befo re Judge Sorensen here and were allowed to return to their homes on promise that they would mend their ways . I i |