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Show I - mm - k V COUNTY NEWS. cards. By Our Special CorrttponiehU EVANS A, EVANS I UMH Ceuta eMU HOCK, 41 SALT LAKE CITY, , Kiley, who eta operated .. bel eg operated on wbeti-ah- w left here, I Eorroe Tiwaa . 4. Ind.No. Suffered bad the .for aeveral Tfelepbeae hboab . PrtUt tanwif Mine JsutL John Brother Bupot .nd itmilv bar. check, to the employ, tat FriJ.VJW 7" FRANK EVANS or all hire. In the wvera th8 avmpai&jr - COALVILLE, UTAH. labor perfuAued during th. month of ,' to, they ha, .attained. The faoeraL Office 1 New Comity Court TIouko. Aout. f Tbia ourg waa well represent! ( io aervicea were held on Tuesday tb 2t,th. "Office Tboue No. 13 2 ring, Coalville la.t Saturday nearly, all of Conaoling remark. ei make by Robert lies ids nee Tlione No. 6. oor people were iran.acting baamee Jonea, Edward Riihina of Coalville, and Bi.bop M. F. Harria. Tb tUtert there. T1S4 mine waa aot Zorkin.,. Abstracter uilv trimmed, Nearly sll oL.eur neighboring town, n.ual bad the raom beauuf ! HISTAKEH YOU UAY BE have brvet3 and got in their crop, Bolog wera given by R. A. Jonea and O. bot oorTjarveat 1 nat eommvni'lng.sad A. Bearden, aaaiatad by the Ilenefer Ofteu tme believes 1 lli title to choir and the dedicatory prayer wa ofuiiaUken, land i clear, but will tut til. pring. ' fered by Bro. R, A. Jonea. danc Determine Title to Land, Some of oor tova attandad tb ' . " 1; Bell 2084 K. theOpera Hou.f last 'Friday given In and have access tv all public la hunimtt County. record avrnlng. . jp I'. Stf Uond ' I. 10,000 . Mra. JndY. HaddoW of Cpalviba ABSTRACT COST 9f Comult m on visiting bar laatTneaday. LOiM MO MET TO ESTATE OM REAL Chamhorlaiaa p.h.'neei.C. Wick redd, " t CUDEBiOOD, YISICt ar aid nafor alwav. moat effectual, ' Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy acta on tbia plan It alley, tha cough, relieve tha longa. aida expectoration, open, tha aecretiona, and alda nature in reatorlng tha sy.tem to a t f Pratlii D ti C,ah Bie4y Aide Water - Medicine that nee, Coalvill, Utah, Of I'll. waa fi Fold condition, healthy Boyden A Son. Dentists. ; Jno, by f W t k b. BawaraM. ' - Store. ,v '":' Dr. F.C, Osgood, day. 8alt ' the tkraaklng. The orlcklayera have got ihrongb On J, W. Peardeaa new reaidance. Coal-vil- la In located A nuiutlr of oor people are haaUng 1. now permanently of den do all cla.ee. to prepared their fruit from the lower hy. tal work at reaonafyle price. Will taka Mra. Horn, and teo of Council lilaff. pi mo re la examining yffur teeth free and Walter Bn not, of Rivartide, wera of char-- e. bar to attend tba foneral.o' li.ter ionia tad tarroa v. rrisjjcn, M. a RirffPi. o. rtr d.; : crr:u34T tzzizzrxs, c c c: j t ' : ' ' :::; : . vr . , . 'INtOvi, tv. I..a c. In'" COTJ1TTY CTOVEYOF. f.. - - c--l as UTAH 4-- v CAM AKil B. CLAFI, (at the Shoemaker's.) le nAn:5 tka Agent for Summit pwuuty Isr m. 1SS a. tptlcly mam. t r , ; S 1 ULT j ' if t 23 9 LIU CUT . ( Atta block. ft f, J. -- i J 0TA3 4e ' :' C6a AT THE Dexter o o a Weft Screened Lump' At the Mine Mine o and Stove Mixed. : PRICES: - ; ' , V $2.00 per ton 2.5a per ton Delivered in Coalville DEXTER BROTHERS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TIMES - FALL andiONTER GARMENTS Now is the time to get your Underwear and Hosiery, also carry the L D, S. Garments. Students, this is the place to get your Church Works, Note, Books Stationery, etc. . M.R.SALMOW. , JUST RECEIVED-- An I i W W w,w , CONFERENCE All r w VISITORS prona waarioff glaaaea naaafac-Inra- fi ALEXANDER OPTICAL the limit allowed by tboGovernmeDt by tba fitted tbiva thoaa CO owt J , aapeciallf , rhHog.' ag4 to witbin tbe laat year are re? year. are bnay gathei lag np their , Raaebera qaeatad to ealf at' tba offices, Rooms boraea, and Oat tie herd, readv fcr fall 220 2 Atlae Block, Ne. 38 Wait I - Second Booth S., Ball Lake City, aod marketa. , , St bava thair ayaa . i M. El Rhodes, Milliner. ? . 'N- Elegant P.ssort: mant of FALL STREET HATS. .. t 231-23- AVOID DEBT PHOTOGRAPHY Has its greatest charms for those who fathom it secrets. Every step is easy. To take S UCCESSFU L Thotogtipha now require No dark room required neither special skill nor training. - M - T The Kodak Developing Machine : j , ' . ,. tzi iD Snt sr 1 - j- W. H. office. . . TX! T in.oy s If so, call and Inspect Our 'Llno which has just arrived and Is full . . ; and comploto. Wo maho Tallor-Mnd- o Clothing a , and WILL, Guarantee' a Specialty CALL AND SB1S SAM TLBS. Fit. COALVILLE UTAH. , ud 'oCrMens, Styles? l::;:rs and indiffetence in the payment, of their Honesty obligations. should be a characteristic of the people a 3 a whole, as well of the individual, and where much credit is the rule, thirE principle is discouraged, and the payment pf debt is postponed, while the money is used for other purposes. The Saints should learn that it is not right, and leads to grave evil, to spend more money in luxuries, for outings, and other pleasure trips, that is not their own, or that has been obtained by going in debt for necessities. No luxuries for undue travel, dress, for eating oLdr inkingJoiamui exaentsJox entertainment should be tolerated by the head of a family or demanded by its members, until the honest debts for necessities are cancelled. , This is a good resolution to make for the young man who is entering upon business for himself, no less tban for those who have already entered." To live "within ones means, pay ones debts promptly, avoid credit as mnch as posible, both in giving-- ' and receiving, are old but worthy business maxims. Their observance should become a fixed habit with the man who desires to prosper, in temporal affairs and to lay a foundation of character upon which A rich ' spiritual, structure may be builded. , ' times are while Finally, prosperous, get out of debt, and then keep out; pay as you 'go, and do your business on a cash basis .' v toCi 1 HATS OR SHOES Youths ' buy, and to carelessness C.:a cIT::;:jF:ri:x L'":i ' V,.' DO YOU WANT T-- extravagance is multiplied. The people are encouraged to over- e continue to make regular trips to Coalville and adjoining own, about every four month. ' : ly where, as in , most ' cases, money for the purpose is obtained on credit. Under the credit system, too, Continued from page y. Does tlie vrork, . much a duty we - oweto our families, to live within ) our Cammlaalooaa John hdwtt, Henefer: Will- Kodils,Ji.09 to I3J.CU. DEVELOPIKG UACBHE A rehlbald, eoyderrllle John B, Hoyt, Kama means, and protect them from iam Walter Calderwood Clark PHOTO SUPPLIES at ; . debt, as it is to devote our lives TmigiW....,,', , ... Jame Doa ;icta;B3ji!3S 11 .Lawreao Zldredft in other ways to their temporal Recorder., . for (7Ask Catalogue. C. W. Jlalr Sheriff . and spiritual progress and pro.ffeww Hnrtia AaMmar. ..... ... .... tection. In fact, keeping oat of Viwak Eras Ci ittoney....... debt and holding ourselves f- arreyer . ...R. A, ioaee Walter H. Boyden chool Superintendent inancially free, are conditins upon which both temporal and BARBER SHOP PRECINCT OFFICERS. THE 1T0DERN BARBERSHOP. spiritual progress depends. Many good men have gone into finan- Jaatto...... ;.J.Freict ..r.i..,...ConHabl Clean ''Sm:ctk cial bondage because of the ex- I. M. perry,.....rrk City..... A. T. Martin Quick 1 . , . :. Work. ..S.W.Neat travagant . lotions . of their D. H. Red doa... .Parley fart - ...... .Weadlaad...... J.A.XBl(bt Massagt and Shampooing a families . They demand leisure Knma.. C. W. McCormick specialty We catet tft the lad;;3 dress and entertainment, out of A. J, Pack ..... ...Marlow Z.W.Waoa P.Sornaoo as well as tlie men. , all proportion to the family in- Lel Peereoa W. P. Marehaa Oakley Robinson , come Then if is that the per- A. O. H. Maicbaat'.Peoa .M. B. Wright B. Blddowey W. t. Brow ...... Boekport Fourth door north of .Telephone nicious credit system carries T. Petenon T. A. Smith ... 1 One Arm la poattivalv tha onlv e o. lu kind In Salt Lake or Onfnt which ha, a repretenta-tir- e n tba road. Mr.1 Alevaoder-wil- l i optical co . .. CCTJEII Send me your ordereI can fill them for you. - - Utah. Oalville, t taaebar, EJ nni t E.:zrj Pfllit 9ii Csereyaeesr. r.NUFER, .. 1 . Baka aa Tha abruberry oa tha moan tain eidee ia pqttiog os lie autumn coloring. Twenty-aev- en carload ot abeep were ahippad from here Friday, Mr. Graham, of Ohio, la here ona montha yiait with bia aea and wife ' J. 8. Ball wha waa ' injured aeveral weeka ago, by a borae lolling with kim ia now getting aroend again. William Moaa, manager of tha Da a ret Biva Stock Co., Ia arrangiag to ah ip a Lad o( aheep to taetera market. Laaa, who was recovering niooly fiCT tffbeid laver had a backaoT oa C ,Jy and tha doctor bad to bo sailed 4 . . , Bunot, of aad Hanafar Roberta William M. Mia A ante Owen of Salt taka, were married on lha 28th,' The beat witbea va, ail who go with tbeyoong coo pie know than. 0 SalnrJay laal tli.Ml new. reached here by 'phone that ietr it nia wke hdbdergon an opeisuon at the ' dead. Tbia R. E. Prorron the Nebraaka borae Holy Croea hoapital, w Irf 1 rs'a a ami Wow lor fh bn. band man ahipped a earlood ot horeea from, and cblldrai, ae when tha fl here it hare two weeka agoi and and anether waa toaee and earn for .tier nephew earload oa tba 25th. oaeph Rickina waa here with' two largo herds nl aheep oa the 26th. c .Sheep are new returning from the k at name r reserve, theSOih of gpt, being V : Finding beaftb ia like finding mocey think tboea who are aick.. When Lavea cotinb, cold, aore. throw!, or you chaat Irritation, better set promptly like W, C. Barbek, of Paudy Bevel, Va He aaya; 1 bad s terrible cheat trouble cauved by amoking sod coal dust on my langa; but, after finding no relief in other remedial f waa cured by Dr.Kinga New Btacovery (or Conaumpiion, Cough aod cold.. Grtateet .ale of any congh or lung mwliciua in tha world. At Jno. Boyden A Son drag atore ; 50c and f 1.00; gaafantHsd.Tiiaftwttla : DEIITIST . Hawana, Uun. Sept. wanaaTCH SniTon Ttuaa : f WanaaTCH, Utah, Joly 25,1905. Robert Walker and Olive Gibbon, vi.it ' ed Henefer at borne uitaionarta on the EurroaTiwia; Car diitriot ichool atarted Bp a week : t4th. with 5 pupila, and Miae Gardner, of ago to)finlah np It w!I take nbont ten - always on hand. COneolbs Like rinding Beney. 27, Hk'ft OFFICE next to the Jewelry . - Send us youf orders for all Cur f Laaa, Beck ifttt IS, jr,ra during the season, but also to 1 . . l.lnli. travel afar, to the east and to 'kinds of JoT Work, lih lama back I bad bun troubled the west, to the north and, the Found overcoat. Tor ifteaa yaarvaodT found a complete south, in search of entertain- Owner canYouths have same by rarovfry ip the us of Cbaaberlainh ment and pleasure. . It. doesnt same and paying for Fain Balm, aayt John 6. Blabar identifying require 'much of a political Qillam. Ind. Tbia liniment la ata witheconomist to predict min as the for apraina and brulaea . Batter wrapper for aala at Tha Time, out an equal result of such a course, especial- office. , It ia for aala by Jno. Boyden A Poo. r.:aD C::::io, ALMA ELDREDGE, Mgr f them still, further, until not only financial, .but also moral' ruin stares them in the face. Deceiving, lying, stealing, and general demoralization of the character " - , follow. . We have great need tD exercise economy in manv ways to protect ourselves from financial bondage. On the farm, ' in the matter of the purchase of carra-ge- s and machinery; ia the home, in dress, food drink and entertainment. It is besides coming to be the fashic, not only to visit constany every pleasure resort and t' etre, ....Waiuhlp ...,.H. W.H. WUon...M ..Hoyterlll CoalrlUe A. Baehaoaa .. A Banner Cptoa . Moore M.BIehln....;. 8. Fowler - H. Crltteaden LM Shaw ... .C. D.Saxtoa . ..W.Bee Cate Bock Echo .? ......W. O. PUher W. H Bennett Heneler COALVILLE CITY OFFICERS. Union Pacific R. R. Co. offer for sale in Utah and Wybming coocF grazing' land in large and small tracts; Stockmen: this is your last chance to purchase on easy io-ye- ar payment plan. ; Liberal discount for Cash. Good flange is SELLING FAST and becoming scarce. Jvov is the time to purchase. FULL PARTICULARS FROH( E J. ILLS, Agent, U. P. R. R. Co. Lr.r.:'.2 If South St Salt Lako Ci: " t |