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Show University cf C: HE COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, SEPTEMBER 29, 1905. Vol. XIII AVOID DEBl (By Joseph F. Smith in "" provement Era.) AtTmcidenLcame-und- Im- er- my ' observation. some days ago which as an illustration showing the value of correct business methods is wofth XT passing, notice" It setappears that in one of our store tlements a under for had existed many years. Its afdiverse" management. fairs had been so carelessly attended that in course of time it was involved in debt to the amount of many thousand, dollars. The principal yeason assigned for' this condition was that through the credit system laige sums of money were outstanding iu many small accounts which it seemed , impossible to collect. The people failed to pay, Finally it became necessary Jor the directorfto cast about them ve -- several others wtre out bruiting and were about to reUtrn home."' O DrlscolE'w as siiag on a, wagon with ' the stoclq of his "gun resting on the break beam 'The gun slipped, ai in its doumvard eotHse the trtggar caught, discharging thewe.x;i The charge of shot struck the young jnan in the right shoulder and upper arm, tearing a pay the pectoral muscles and j is thought by the physicians,' UaT.y Ho. i: ' and see what could be done to It relieve the financial strain. wastbought best to sell out hut the stockholders could not mak? an offer, under their financial burden without perhaps levying an assessment. At- - leastp-tb- e complete sacrifice or their entie stock was apparently necessary, One of the directors atlength offered to conduct the business at a stated salary, provided, lie should be given complete control. It was agreed that he , should not be interfered with, andr so he undertook to resuscitate the institutioa. - He announced that hereafter all business would be transacted on a cash basis. No more credit would be given.The sequelwas that in three or four years the concern was on' its feet, with all its debts cancelled, money in the bank, anditis now HARNESS HARNESS' REPAIRS, SADDLES and- - HORSE BLANKETS, COLLARS and COLLAR PADS, NOSE BAGS, HALTERS, . : lacerating the right Jung.' "h unfortunate man was taker to Kamas where Dr; Dannen wirg, assisted by Dr." W ard , of T rk Citv di.d all in - their powetf for -- Gurry Combs and Rings, 1 the young mau. .'4 Mr. ODriscoil was bornj nd faised in Kamas and the sy ofdhe entire community is extended tQ the breaved parmts aud' relatives of the unfortisimte J :anLo.ps a-t- OF ALL KINDS AT ' 11 . . young man.,' , Funeral services weie conduct ed at Kamas yesterday. . s FAREvmt ricEPTi::: , t IFnilu I; ; J W.L. HAUSEN, Manager. About fifty students met at the Lzz building last Monday nigt and tender a farewell receptio prospefous. thrifty LOeAla MARKETS. The lesson to be learned is one Prof. Otte who goes Jo Oa 'y, The following are the market quo- Of business economy; and one Ida. to fill an engagement it jhe tation of the botcher and grocer of which the Latter-da- y - Saints de academy there. Mr. Otte Coalville, alo tbe produce quotation : heart. should friends to take L'r earnestly brt many during Beet. Sc lb. for lie. As a jpeople we are doing too stay here. . (Ctab celery, lOe bunch j two Utah piano, 1)0 to. 2c, much credit business, not only . Following is the Egg plant, 10c to 16c eaclt. . in our mercantileand other trade rendered; Utah watermelon , from 25 to 40c. establishments, butin our privUtah tomatoea, 5c lb. Openir prryer. Cora tic dot.' ate business affairs. It would Brarch, r oat, 20c pack;. tt truck t :ttrr for us, and car 81b. tsc Cc. tr jxtrrity, cat D say pxte cf 1 friends X m Em I friends in the future as I have thus received in the past. ' The f There isia the life ofall human Alma L. Sargent. r cf the a time when the iaevi- - TO THE FESFLE OFHOTTSYILIL - e ni, FIERCE FIGHT. , t f - , Jji 3m nild red onion. 6 Id. like the CXLrai fc tZe. , Fanley, pet boacb. Kc at f for 25c, $1X3 ewt, t eUtfice, O lb, for ck ;15 5 3 r;ar, Eaei ' Jb. per ' '.if if C"jtvill. cbeeee, 2lo lb, jr.,'-herr,2Ccd- , $ j ' , . Creamery batter, Turkish fig. 25c package. Banana, SOc doc. Spring lamb, SOc lb. Young chicken, 17X j Hen. 15- - -Halibut,' 15c; flaadcr, cole 12 amalti tall for i5c lb.; atripped baaa, 37- -c ; rslmoB. 20 ;3 for 50c; eockaailad " , salmon, lie atralgbt 20clb. Smoked ahita flab. , tb. Finnan haddiea, 17 Crab, 25o and SOo. , Lard rHaU for 12 clb. ' Side teal, Sc;leg veal, 12e; loin teal. 15c; bind quarter, He, Beef loin, 12 )o to 16c lb. Bib roaat. 12 )tfe. ' Sirloin ateak, 15c. ne and perterbontaateak, 15c . Bonnd ateak, 12 , ' Cbock ateak, 10', , . . Rib boiling beef, 6c. Knmp roaata, 10c tickled pig feet, 2 lb, for 25c. Loin and rib pork chop, 15c. W bol porkiua, 13c lb, Yeal nacka, 8c, Sliced ham, 20c. Boiled ham, SOc diced. ' . Whd boiled bam, 22 Eaatara bam, 16c to 17 I 2c. Break fa t bacon, 16c, 17 to 20j. SOc. " - s ' r -- l-- 2c 8aoag, 12 1- -2 c " - Dry aalt bacon, 12'c. tickled pork, 17 ' . Rat, 10v. , 12 1 2. Pork aa-- a, I 10c. Hambarger, Tb price in each loatance ia by the pound. Timothy bay, looc, cell for 1(7 per ton; tiraotbt baiwl, 6Sc a "hundred; alfalfa baled 55; a hundred; alfalfa Lay, loo 3,00 fit ton. Cheat, !e per buatiel, Oata, (1.50. Bran and ahoHa. $1.15 per bundr d Chert ainoe, $1.39 per hundred. Crad:$ bailey, $1.43. 3c lb. Utah Utah eantaloepef.lc to (Sc. Cal.foroia crape, 50s baaket. gear, 2c lb 15 for 25. . U'. h ptatis 4c IX; file ttri aquaab 3c ib. l-- 2c . - r. r de-term- ixi K ce. ' y- - Short teles by V, ttLcel.'j Murphy, cf lit tie Ll-rl-s : C.-- J, & :- -s lit ic, .: h tii tetteja nr. la L. x. ' t cash basis aud refure to give Boyden, C crc J tele c aticixpiousta rp 2 or ask for credit. Yky? Because Jennie Calderwcod.- - - ; erlibim in hisgrkfaxiLereave-tcrct.- , Micciiraa Mcl 1 1 :- -: : credit hesisees leads to . carelessAlfred Ecczica xrzzz ia t . Violin friv pref. Otte. Lx;. . r1c and such Comic to ness, extravagence aoeg I. IL Shaw. Such was the aid and comfort aas tcecs trher? tl;i rr:-- .t came to t.zl t.rrs xi. tls as k "persou would never . think Solo Mrs. rexlrred me ia tay dzik hour cf wrs MczcLcn t treleo tie c:: of indulging in, if cash, were EeciUtion tlies . Ethel Hod- - afflction, a time whea a heart; severe a fractured arm, hand, 4 1 v will remit i tit ' paid a the time of purchase. It son. v i I J Uf felt hand ex leaded in need, fracture of the skull over the 1 cost! 20 per cent more to operate Closing song Cexology. friead, indeed. base of the brain and other seri- iticsrrpr:::r ptowes a heart-fe- lt Ben-nion vital abont the tody. in pert: 1 f a aedit business than- one "con Benedictidn-r-T- . L. AlleU. Act I, the assisted, and my ous bruises is will heslth a powerful man, aged ductedfon a cash basis a It is relatives feel grateful for "the about I Meaebam health cCccri v 11 while MORE LIGHT 40 years, ; to say, also, that , the creditor bene vol eat assistance given by is , -two dctxlls the in The of 70 years age. loses that amount," whereas, if The" Inter Mountain' Eletric people of Hoytsville.; A word ! were the only ones thustcirg er participants lie paid cash he would gain it. Company is planning to establish of Shanks and extend-ewhen much of house m more the the d ere x.. vicinity praise A occured. the the cf Somebody pays that great, .sum; fight hearing prevesticn steam, power, plant pfaooo t) those friends whose aid on tbe case growing out of the earnestly keped tlit f i c either the seller or the pur horse power in Coalville. The an! sympathy given, lightened affair will, it is understood, be appreciated ly all cr chaser, sometimes both. Credit plant will be used to generate a hardened heart. held before Justice ot the Peace that every htilth cll;:r i plunges people into financial electricity and transmit it to all Thanking again the benign Levi Pearson,' sometime next State who can pcx.ly 1 ' bondage brings them into Xis the towns in Summit County bemefactors, I hope to serve such j Week. will he prerrnt. , how no honest rhatter for repute lighting and oter' purposes; their intentions may . be and The power will also be transrw Ww Vw WTTW ( F infrequently destroys good name mitted to Big Cottonwood and I " , r A Salt-Lakand character. , . . through Park City. Credit often involves persona This company has a capital cl. in bankruptcy, and is most fre- stock of 1 1. 500,000 all of which quently at the root of all finan- has been subscribed. h, cial failure. It involves men in It has waterpower plants in W 11. ww and Little "bondage which oftea works de- Big Cottonwood struction to their characters as Cottonwood and the plants that well as to their whole course ol the company intends Tut n life. Only tbe free are free, and here will be an auxiliary plant no person in debt isfree. Of all to the water power plants in the r t people on earth, the Saints should aboved named places. As soon be the freest ; and, in order to as the circumstances warrant fulfill the desires of their hearts the. capacity of the plant in Coalas Latter-da- y Saints they above ville will be increased to 10,000 all people should be free from horse power. . Bonds to . cover ' ' debt. the cost of the entire proposii Tbe Lord has taught his , peo- tion have already been issaed ; ple to keep themselves free frem and their dispositions provided all extravagance; and it as for, A representative of, the . company was here this week Continued on page 4. x . ' looking over the groand to select 17 2c . , a proper site for, the building Sand ay afternoon while out and machinery.. Tbe power hunting chickens on the Kamas house and machinery will be located in Coalville, although it road, Vm. ODriscoll, the son of John ODriscoll is probable that Grass Creek ( of Kanxzj was accidently shot, Junction will be selected. It is from the effect of which he died proposed to consnme the coc.1, about iO oclock Tuesday morn slack aui all as it is sent out cf a . -- . icg. The ycurg man, with the r:i::s for fail. '1Z. Mies t-- z2 t:x, Fre-hEva- ' , . ' oi. i . 1 LwOni, per do., 23c. patent floor, 2.80 per bundled ? W". -- I ; uraigbt flrada, (2. 45. C toll, 25c galloon I gallon t.30. Bench butter, 26c lb. ; we to pLce our affairs ch a , 10c. Ux.ioear, 4 tew canagtr izt ' trllrrl - t; - f cl , an-- T , e - . q q X Q Our wintor. supply of UNDERWEAR in Mens,' Ladies', Eoyo, Misses .and Children and cro prepared for all classes of trado. We Also Have , 1 cFLc::iEic:m P vo X a large assortment of Now Out- ings and Fleece Lined Goodolrang-ing in price from 5c to yard' l-- Coalville it' Co-- o 'J s' j' J |