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Show I WHERE GOLD IS PRODUCED The Transvaal In Africa continues to be the greatest producer of gold. Beginning in the early eighties with tho discovery of a conglomerate reef which yielded $8 to ?10 a ton In gold, . no wonderful production was predict ed, but gradually the mines of Johan-'! Johan-'! nesburg were dcvoloped until they exceeded the output of the rest ot the world. Last year the gold yield was ?207,- 1 000,000 which is six times greater than was the yearly production of the Comstock when the Nevada bonanzas were alarming the financiers of Europe, Eu-rope, who thought gold would become be-come so plentiful as to call for demonetization. de-monetization. The United States, up to ten years ago, ranked well up with South Afrl-j Afrl-j ca In gold production, but today the f WItwatersrand yields nearly two and -'a half times more gold than does this country. t There Is developing in Alaska though a group of mines, operated . I by D. C. Jackllng and associates, 1 whldh promise to materially increase t - our yield.. On the property of fiv rj , "The Alaska" a vein of great width (jjv has been traced several miles and I openings at various points prove tho I uniformity of values, averaging $1.50 f a ton. In our early mining ores of that grade would have been passed over as worthless, yet "Tho Alaska" is expected to yield a profit of 75 i I cents a ton, and when the property 51 is equipped to handle a maximum of ore, the output is expected to reach $10,000,000 a year. That will be a J tremendous output from, an almost - worthless- mass of rock In the far-V,- I away Alaska territory, and still twen- ) ty such mighty properties would not . equal the production of the mines jt , 8 and mills of Johannesburg. 8 " -oo |