Show l T its ldlntphsal auttt 1 r The a locluiy held a meeting on IIu lUtFTjnit Irof VJlUtil DODO lreilj ntof thc ii 11 S tAge BIt lake Oily delUernl a lecture 1 jinn he tubjecl Oild I l Mu enHfiVe an appropriate text the lecture uot dtlw folloAlitg UatilKul lmiM from Win U host We arp tItlidses and earls else Miould jitt mat tarot a brut he can Every life ii but itutio Every onu should hen hit ow n i Maku oynur toall miry tout ullmiliitlietpenkuriuldi Retry onumuit make hit or her own character char-acter ant the ituniauboM beautllully Illutrnfti thli point Ve mutt nuke ouiuKeii what weme to become We muit torts ourriutuclcrea Iho scull lor rarwtuplwuoliUiiiQclihtr ruin i ltorinakuolta btMiililiil Image lo Ui copied by otheri We sl u people bolletoln thu law ol I foroiJInutlon L I e that ovcry man li ilfMlllcd lolulfltl a ulUln million ol good UKn thoearlh mid Ills lulllll It not fe j li i JuJgiil nccoidlngly bf tie Judgiuilall 1 mankind I to tv I n nej ° al L a p I whoeu 11I0 iar tat f smf In t nqe f t I nmplo for alP tlsr meiit Chrlil li tli t perilit l > er > finag0 Itfolin continual ulrugno to over comelatilli and till li the object of labortexi > erlcncuand human life I A groat many ol thcio atilti any lio overeeuna by the jullo1ol11 inlnjof will momfiiti Some puoil My that K 1 they w nlo u few gllhnuodd momciiti Hint II if l lilt u Irllle I but hritltbl make fil iloii8iil psrfstlonI ti no tripe I ThU Ji IxaiilUully llliHtinted by lliu d > lliii > liit facts In the your ISIS III wu all know gall wits illMoturad In 0ll > fornta 11 hsss ll Inwxiia knou there i aria < itiiiili to tUrttunnntry 8 note of r 5suhrlalrlepdrl 1ItIOIII who went ihess tuts wit > dtoe t rich In a ilayliy llitkliu Ufi Inrgu iiugsul of goM TlHM were his peiwip who alluil 1 cn I entirely lint til + OAr flll plodding mlueri who pJebed up Very IKlIu speak ol gold RIIII raa11ta1 tin goldUunt from tin find tatter this toe II win were Hi < reMfill wnd also are IhvilcJi ulJWOM In California to day bo In life tliim also ran > fillly gatlior thu Qldiliiit 1 of aline ireaiuru thericlitw ol eternity Thin rcuilndi tco oJ U iiuotallon by JJoriice Mann which raids as folluw lot roinHllwe betneuii ninilin sand l asset onu KOldon lnur l net wild tlxty dluiuond lukititM So reward In ollcrixl for It IIRVSU < oiuver1 Mora frixjuently thu mlntilva are tort Ilnly many hours oJ love being aggr gntod In a month Iu thla way lima Io tiin4 waited often of-ten when one le I notawaro ullt In thin way we may mitke of ourselves prodl I gait or waiteraot titan You may coot A rlend on tins Streetwalking t Street-walking very alow 1andnik him nhut be doing And be I will make hu an lwvrI > ui kllliut lime Let wu Inform In-form that pcrinn that he hm no limo to I kill Time is l well pent Ioccupied In well balanced l benitflclal work and l the propor kind l ol recreation Thor are teveral klndi ol work at which to spend yourodil moruente The reading ul a geod Initruollvu book It I the bell way ol killing time that I know ol Deep lyiUmatlc reading la i I II ti h41 I mean mi > hallo or denllory IWdlng OarblrHyi lllno In I preelon no book Ihatwill not lmpioo by related Ire lIuc dnerv I to bo tend 1 nt all Alhl till quotationeoneyi my IIIMII hug I at well anythlnn I can think of Nutnreronlw iludlnllti ainneellon wllli remllng Mini iry profitably too Study thanllal mineral and igela hU ktngiloan In runneclloii with all your reading Hut In connection wild all jour at ° dies iln not be h Hhovc manual labor Wok iiround home lur beauty or profit Do not be above going out ol doors and hchlhllltilh 1 tho chores or tpadlng In IlK tjarden fur 1111 hour It le good ex f rebid An old IjMln prKerh air Itarart eel sews later l l II Horihlp and an nt ir calve lmltrt Mt orurf inlay ti nkrtldp Therearo IhreDinAlnobjKlilil recreation recrea-tion nmnrly rest ilrength anti 111111 anil there are several antis ol recreation recrea-tion lOMlikli thus sppllIf not tariiol lo ixrew For Initntife denting Chen ttu t and ttnnli Them nlo wtlicuf whkh soak dfrfclMl proillgati nl llmo each ar rardplajliiv turns novel rmdliiiEaml lotterln Al use say In eonoluulo that If I loo lollllw the exaniplo set lor you by Clinch you will hunter I mesa n pro il gal ol time Next on the proatam I loss a one Ixanlllully remlere l by lour young ladle Next a Jw word ofihnnki by its 1eterton tolrol Iloane Hymn by choir II j doling prayer by K 11 IthcaJ LU |