Show lIm rnlIp Perk luI During the present week the Ontario mill has bctn treating a mill lot ol raw I gold ore from the MIU mine In the I I Cllftun district and the result hive1 been iitlifartory Tho ore wit ootl I roalfl but limply crochet and alllal i SinntM the pan the viliii caved amounting from Sf to M I wr cent of the I conttnti of UK rock I The dance glxen Thuriday evening by the I II I S was at uual largely attended and together with Hit refresh unit MM el on the etege by the ladles 1 tlrtteil the rommlttee In rhirjt a hindi i > ino jin The lull wai cmrtdM and rrerjlidy hat 1 a gnnd Unit Tine danre r Ifhen or that I society are fait Inking the lead Tin fund l Ming riln1 will I IK Upllo purchase Inland build a hnilieof worship I following It the ore ihlpmrnll feat the Ickllliotl I tttupler for lit present week Sllvir King OIIIJO Sliver King convvnlralei 149120 Anchor con icntratri ftTl100 Daly Weit ronrrn tratei C11W Total ixjuniliIlOTiU Tills inornlnz Mn Fallen Wright miitlirrof Syearold Jamvi It Vfil hl who wai killed KMIIO week ago by a wlldiaron tlm Utah Centmt railway Imllluttd nit In the mni of t2oOOO ajnlnt Jamei Mcirfj end Clarence CureS receiver of the Utah CVntrul i for tin death ol hr boy Judge Hunry 1 hhlild mid O W Power attorneys for the plaintiff Tee milt he I bold l on the nllrcillou that the company UHid to properly sot 1 the biukri and block time car upon which the boy rode In I hit death TheBUll will be an liuporlanl bona I |