Show T 11 ULACKSTONK The IreMcnt and ITIntlril Owner nt J IIt1 1I0Iho Timothy II Illatckslune president and principal owner of the Chicago Alton road for mow than thirty year hasT 1 t r r T II ULACKHTONi occupied u prominent position among the great railroad stagnates nf the west and It might ho lidded of the country In mint nt energy nblll y and siiccce hi Is the lvr of any of them and from some mints of Mew he excel all thus rest The Allah Is about the only road In the country nf which It can truthfully IK said that them Is I not n drop of water In Its stock or any other of Us sccurllle II la Ito only road whine total capltalltatlnn la I con alterably l lena I than its actual com of conitructlon and Ia Intrlmdo value Mr Illackalone la I n nallve of Connecticut He wa born at lleautord March 2 < lie spent hits youth on n farm and lali I the foundation ot lilt education by attending at-tending the dlilrlct school In the In ten ol when farm work did not claim him Later ho wa sent to one of thin beat known Connecticut academic which he attended until hi healll broke down and ho star compilled to reek occupation which would the him outdoor cxerchie He Joined nn cnxl teeming corpa engaged In lurvtylnR lid uRt locating the New York A New lawn road He began na a rodman but In due limo graduated ni a thoroughly trained akllled and practical civil en glneer He woe appointed amlHant en glneer ot tho Ht + cUjIUu Pliurfh road and too afterward connected In Ihn mime capacity with the Vermont Valley road In 1WI he came went anti look charge of the conatructlon ot n section of mho Illlnola Central Illi head quarters were at iJHnllo and thin real dent of that photo elected him inn or which I the only political office ho ever held In USD he wa appolntci chief englneir rt tho Jcillt ft Chkngo road out of whcn the Chlcau A Alton Al-ton hOl ailually grown He wa elected elect-ed preildent In ltd and three year later when the road becamo part o t the Allan ayslern he wa chosen prcal dent of the new company At that lime the road had only 2SO > mile of tracka lla present mileage la I over 1000 mile Mr lllackatone haa nlway been alert to adopt new Improvements It inn an Alton conch which was traniformed into In-to the trot Pullman sleeper and It wa on the Alton the lint dlnlngcar seers run Jefferaonlan almpllclty la a marked charnclerlatlo of Mr Illack alone He la I easier of acceaa than any other railroad prealdcnt In the country Ho li I largehearted and generous to n fault and recently eitabllihed u puhll library lo the memory ot hula father In I hli native town |