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Show NOVEL BTRAWUBRRY DEO. j air. J. I'. Ohnter o! Dtyton, 0., haa a novel mnthod o( cultivating slrawber- I rlea, which may prove well adapted to the kitchen garden, even If It ebonld not be valuable for field purpoiee. He grow them In barrel Inataad of In the ground, and be claim many advantage ad-vantage for thli plan. Mr. Ohmer take Iron hooped barrel, eeta them end up, and bore row ot bole around them. He then All them up with good earth and Mts row of plant In tbe earth through tbe holea. , All that la then requited to eeeure a ! good crop of berries la a liberal aupply I of water for tbe plant. Uich barrel ha declare, will produce a half bushell ' of atrawberrlea, and the fruit I eW i lo pick, and l, of course, nlwaya freel j from aand, and well eipoeed, ao that It can grow and ripen properly. I The barrrla nro eel four feet apart from center to renter, and an acre ot ' land will hold 2.M0 of them. Thla would give a yield ot 1.160 buiheli ot trawberrle to the acre, and It the I boie In which they were ahlpped held full pint, would equal M.000 boie. At tble rate of yield three or four bar ' anowiMi in lunncui. rel filled with plant In thla wny ought to glvo an ample aupply ot ! trawberrle (or an ordinary family. |