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Show demand aunnrNnun I at maKafuaaaid u n ll t Ml.ltf CUHnal l in, I I Uaahlartoti Jnlr iliaft, r haa' Hunllkguat hla merer HU line , I lend from the f ay on the north to the Man Juan river on the aonth the "pinlah hold the remainder of the ground to the bay which la but a coin-ratlvely coin-ratlvely narrow atrip A trace ho been arranged pending a demand for aurrender, which expiree at noon to- j day The original lime waa Aaed at i 10 o clock, bat wa eitende d at the re-queet re-queet of foreign countela to allow women and children and foreign real Jenta to leave tho city They aakal I permlielon to remain at Caney and for provlaleua The latter could not be 1 furnlthed, owing to Inadequate meaai of tranaporllon Until tho newt ot the deatrnctlon of ith !panlah fltet reaehed the llnra In front of Hautlngo they broke into I chrera 1 he banil. played the Htar , SpaugleJ llaiiurrPand 'There 11 le a i Hot Time In Old Town Tonight!" which the ineu cheered wildly Ihe I ipanltrJa were aulleu and undemon- i ttratlve following la tke corrtapondence: ' Headquarters United State foreea, uearhau Juan river, Cuba July 3 185, I 1(1 a. in To the commanding general gen-eral of the bpanltb force Santiago d Cuba, (tin I all all b oblige I, uulrat you surrender, to ahell Hnntlago d Cuba I'lenae Inform the cltliana ot foreign countries and all women aad children that thay abould Wave th 'city before 10 ocloek tomorrow morning morn-ing ry respectfully your nbtdlant servant, It P. S1IAF7EK, "Major Uenerat." roltenlog It tb Spanish reply with which Colonel Uorit ha Just returned at C 0 p in I I ' .Santiago d Cuba, 3p m , July I, ISO' Hla exoallency, th ganaral commanding the forcea of th United htataa, Ban Juan rlvar Hlr: I have th honor to rply to jour commaal-gallon commaal-gallon of today, written at I 10 a m., and reoelvad It at 1 p ra , dtmandlag th surrender of the tltyl on toutrary case, announcing to m that you will bombard th lty and that I advlaa foreign womiu and chlldrvn to laav i the city bafor 10 oalook tomorrow morning It la my duly lo aay to you j that tM city will not aurrandar, and that I will Inform th foreign cnul and Inhabltanta of th aonUaU of yovr tucsttg Vary rcpctfully, JOS TARAI. ' Comraaudr-ln Chlf Foarth Corp." i |