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Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In pursuance of law and of a resolu-(lou resolu-(lou and order ot the Board ot Com-iLiiirSioners Com-iLiiirSioners ot Ogden City, Utah, adopted and passed on the 26th day ol June, l'JU, a special election is hereby culled and will be held In each of the tivf Municipal wards of Ogden City, Cab, on the l'8th day ot July, l'JlG, for the purpose of submitting to a vote ot ttie qualified electors who shall have paid a property tax In Ogden Citl in the year 111J, the question wuether said Board ot Commissioners Commission-ers shall be authorized, allowed and permitted to create and Incur a bonded bond-ed indebtedness of $75,000.00 and ls-buc- bonds of the said city of Ogden (. Ity theretor, to be used tor the purpose pur-pose of paying part ot the cost tor the construction of a dam on tne I south fork ot Ogden river to impound water for the Municipal water w orks j Byatem of said Ogden City. Said bonds to be redeemable $26,000.00 In live yean $25,000.00 In six years, and J5 000.00 In seven years from the I dale of Issue, and to bear Interest at I the rate of FIVE (5) per cent peri annum, payable semi-annually. That the following are the places designated for the purpose of holding said election, and which said election Will be held in each of the Municipal Wards of said Ogden City, respectively. respective-ly. In the First Municipal Ward, at the City Hall. In the Second Municipal Ward at Dr. K Parker's office. 324 24th Street la tho Third Municipal Ward, at tho Mound Fort School House, No. j00 Washington Avenue In tho Fourth Municipal Ward, at the County Court House. In the Fifth Municipal Ward, at the Lewis School, 28th street, between Washington and Adams Avenues. That tho following persons, whe arc electors in their rospectlve wards, are hereby appointed as Judges of election, to conduct, and who will conduct con-duct said elections in the said respective respec-tive wardB in the City of Ogden. For the First Municipal Ward of said Ogden City, R- D r''dcock. Henry M Mnrk and Mrs. Margaret P. Bingham For the Second Municipal Ward of sold Ogden City, David W. Evans, J. E. Williams and Georgina G. Marriott Mar-riott , . For the Third Municipal Ward of nald Ogden City, W W. Crane, Edwin Dlx and Henry Barker For the Fourth Municipal Ward of said Ogden City, H. C. Wardlelgh, Henry E. Steele and Mrs. Matilda Lucas. Lu-cas. For the Fifth Municipal Ward of said Ogden City, C H. Hussey, Mrs Sarah L. Riser and Thomas A. Wha- leu. That the time during which the polls thai be and remain open in each of said Wards in the said election, as above stated, shall be from seven o'clock in the forenoon, continuously, until seven o'clock in the afternoon of said 28th day of July. 1915. That the amount of the indebtedness indebted-ness proposed to be Incurred by Ogden Og-den City, if legally authorized, permitted per-mitted and allowed to do so by thl? elecllon, shall be the sum of $75,000.00, which sum of money shall be used in paying part of the cost of the construction con-struction of a dam to impound water in the south fork of Ogden river, to be used and distributed ihrough the present water works system of Ogden City wherever needed within said city. Dated at Ogden. Utah, this the 28th duy of June. 1913. By order of the Board of Commissioners. Commis-sioners. A. G. FELL, Mavor GEO A SEAMAN, City Recorder. Slate of Utah, County of Weber, ss. I, George A Seaman, City Recorder Record-er of Ogden City do hsreby certify that the foregoing "Notice of Special Election" Is published in according With a resolution of tho Board of Commissioners of said city, adopted 03 the 28th day of June, 1913, as appears ap-pears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of Ogden City this 28th day of June. A. D., 1913. GEO. A. SEAMAN, City Recorder (Seal) First publication, June 28, 1913 Last publication, July 26, 1913. I . |