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Show rMONZA A FAMOUS CITY, ' Place Where King Humbert Was Killed Underwent 32 Sieges. H Monza. the town In which ICIug S Humbert waa slain, Is one of the most EH Interesting of the smaller cities ot IjH Italy, It lies In tho province of Milan, PH about nine miles from tho city ot the H samo name, on the banks of tho Lam- B bro, a tributary of the Po. MB Besides the summer palace of 'the BB king, the principal object of Interest BB n Monza la the Cathedral of St John B die Haptlst, In which aro kept the H 'Iron crown" and the crown Jewell, BB nccther with the relics of Thcodo- BB Inda. BH The royal palace, built In 1777, la HS diluted on the rlter bank nnd Is sur rounded by cxtenslvo gardens and parks. It la claimed by somo antiquaries that In ancient times Monza was a Koman colony and win known as Modaclla, or Modlcla, but IU Importance Impor-tance In this respect Is denied Theodorlo was tho first monarch to distinguish Ihn locality by selecting It as a seat. In tho period of tho republics repub-lics Monza was Independent at times and at times subject to Milan The city haa atood 3: ileses, and was frequently plundered by the forcer of Charles V The population Is upward up-ward of 30.00(1 |