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Show " I UAKLEt, OiKiar, Utah, bpt,6, 00. J() ; Editor TiHia: Joieph Horlon made a flying trip to ltockport this week. 30, , ' The Stevens saw mill Is doing a flour- t ishlng business at preient. - The rain Monday end Tuesday will bk t a great benefit to lo tliu lucern and pai- 1 .turn. W. II. Stevene went to l'rovo to attend at-tend the Itepublican convention on .Tuesday. It Is reported that 0. Jcmen will have a damage suit in the neat term of Uli- trlrt Court. James Evani and N, 11, Snapp will attend at-tend the A. F. and . M. Lodge at l'aik City tonight. E f E. Norton of Salt Lake Ii litre haol- ' I lng hay. llo thinks Oakley Is Iho best I I place after all for the farmer. I It Is reported that L'dwnrdDenney has 1 sold hla farm to W. M. Trailer, and will I leave in about two weeks for the IJIg Horn country. John Keel met with a very painful accident ac-cident last Monday at the iheep camp. -j- While hewing out a trough to nail iheep r In, the ax glanced andsUuck lilm oulfie knee, making a ry ugly wound, cutting cut-ting an arter), which bled 10 much that lie was almost dead whan Bullion. 0 came, lie is getting along very nicely at present. |