Show Tho threoyeirold boyofj I t Jolin ion ol Lynn Center Ill h ilijtct to attacks croup Mi Johnson ray hot ho-t lIlen1 l that tin timely moot Chan lierlaln Cough Itemedy during a cat ca-t cro attack laud till little toys lit lit la In the drug builnrm a member ol thu firm of Johnson llnx of Hut placo and they hAndlo n great iiiinr potent modlclne for throat and lung diseases lie had all thoia to clioou Iou and tkllled phjilclani rnuly to rtipond lilt call but selected hilt remedy forme In hit can family qal a time holl hit chlldi life as In danger Uriuie U knew II a miraiupoiiur > i nrolorr and famous the country over for Iti cure of croup Mr Johnson say tints la I the boat telling cough mptll mu th < r lunille and that It ulvM upltndid aaUiItioii nU car For rat II by John lluyjen tic I Suns I You lant ttlTiiril to nek Yl 11 a 1lie h nllvwluirn cold 10 iloolm IIIro phrp I nionla nr roninuipltuit Iiiitant V und u-nd a certain dlro aro atTiirdrd 1 by 1 IInoI I Mlnae > eyl I lstre Jo A lU J 2 Font I WNn1oTRuirllIltTIIY Ast lelhe gw4itiiaeh u lahe lu tray1 hr rmiMiiilbi e Mlahlithed I I I b ah Monthly tffiKI 1 and isrvni 1uillun tamely Itrlmluii t t I aell iillrMed ttaiiH l t nvelq r Thu II li r 1t Ii Doiuinion Company iKpt T I htaago WNTii TltUSrWUItTIIY 1 AND acute I giiilliinen or ladles to travel for letponiiblc vitntillihed house IE Utah Monthly WOO und expennea Position ttrndy Reference Knclon elf addrenett ttamped envolopo Tho Omlllloll Continuity Dept Y Chicago Thorn I no nerd 1 ol children being tormonliid by cold head ivtema I and kluvruptlii UeWilti Witch Here alvo glvet Initant relief and cure per nmnontly John lloydcn i Son Ilfarded JIdser liiaort W DK IIIi CRPW BAIONfi NOm MOST PERFECT MADB purn finpe Crcjni nf Tailor Powder free omu Ammonia o mom Ammonlj Alum or > ay other adultcunt 40 Years the Standard IT r I 1 T Peoples i t Mercantile Cd i I are showing the largest best and cheapest line of I i 1 i Ut1c1e1 ea1 < oj ever shown in Coal vi lie For instance 1Ct i AUUO Melts wool per suit 120 Mens fine ctmcU hair suit ISC Mens fancy fleeced 170 Mens very fine wool II 370 Swiss Conttie itutisltrink iiilf lwothreaded Sllit aa Swiss Collie famous glove 0 fittiii ribbed per suit 35 Swiss ConilieArnhian fleece I nil wool per suit oWe Ha1s Hats S We have just received on new line of fall hats which w have open mid ready for inspet tion Remember these are a NEW GOODS which w bought at a very low figure an have placed within the reach < all Yours respectfully t Peoples Mercantile Co I ALMA KMUK1GK Manage 00 AJ i Always On Hand at the J MICH MI I i Lump 120 Stove 12 Teaiiis l Loaded Pueiii1I tIJ No N flg1 n I PATRONIZE HOME INDD8TB Weber Copf CoT Co-T Clearance Sale in some of our lines at Bedrock priejsl 1 Callantl see to convinced All other bl t PItiCRS BcyHsat HARD St G W ROBT f y < UNG Wa |