Show II A II Ii prone inrnU Conilil I Tile Improvements on Iho main Hue ot tile lUlllmure ant Ohio weit of coil between Martlniburg W Vn anil North Mountain were lompleted November No-vember lit They cover a tllilinco ot nearly four miles starting turn utIle s writ of MartlnaburR anil eilendlnK aomo dIstance writ of Mycra Hole which Is I near ho North Mountain all tlon At Myers loin I tho tIne WaR changed taking out lImn very objectionable objec-tionable curvaturo and the roadbed I lied nearly fifteen ot elimination two Krailea of II fret per mllfi which came together at Jlyers Hole and tub atllulltiK thcriifor on almoit level track This point on the road haa dlwni been a dangerous one and many freight wreck have oxurreil there Apart from doing away wIth I the ilanxcrotts feature of two sharp down gradre coming together ai waa the case In this Instance Iho avlnic In I oiiTutlou ot the nail by tho change will be very large as It enahtca the I tons Ier train to be greatly Increawil I and reduces the liability to accident to II the minimum I At Tabltra the mail lil haa been I hundred about thirteen fret anil tho I same at Tabbi bcalde taking out ob I II 7 jectlonabla curvature nnd retluelng I the I raID of grade at three polnta from n feet per mile I to ten feet per mite thin f ot I 1 IncrcailnK the curs that can be haulnl per trAIn JhoiiRh theso Improve I ments have cost iiullo a sum of money thom eiiciullluro Is I fully justltluil by I I the great iavlim In operation |