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Show SfililL Tho intaalonarloa In Ureal llrltaln relne.l to leave on Juno tSnl, did not Mil from tllasgnw until .Saturday, July tod, owing In revKlon of the venel of tho Anchor Steamship Line. I.ato ndvlca from the Turkish mission mis-sion mention the Impllsm of twelve persons nt Atpi nqd lite more at Alulnl.. Rider lllnta. when last heard front, was oil III wny to Con-atanllnopU. Con-atanllnopU. Treeldent Ren T.. Rlrli, of the Southern South-ern Htatrs Mission lint rliuen lttde N T. Nelaoti (Into president of tin Middle Tennessee Conference) and Klder I.. II Anderson, as his Counselor. The Tint TresMcney hat lsul nit Invitation to nil thn (lenerul Authorities Author-ities of the Churali, Mao tbo blnko Tresldenole nnd lllshop nt rml ol Salt Mk. Davit nnd TkiI Stakaa ot 7.lon to lx present nt Haltnlr on the 3th Inst., to spend the day In soalul minion uiiil eiijoyiuont. A wife of the l'rophet Jotph Hmltli died at Uhl on Weilneaday, 13 111 Inst her maiden name wot Metlaoa Lot She rnit born January tli, l)i lu , Buwiueliaiinn Co., IVnu , nnd was , marrleil to the Trnpliet lu 1513, his . brother, tlyrutn Hmlth, perforniluit i Ilia ceremony. After tha prophets l death fche married Klder Ira Wlllcs, In 1 Halt Lake Uty In 1SIW. Suinlny, July tl, lias been decided uin nt theiloy on which Mnlno inn-morlal inn-morlal servleet will ln held 111 tho place of worship of tho Mormon church, when collections will Ikj taken up tu aid In tho erection of n monument monu-ment to llioso who wi e killed by tha explosion of that vel lit Havana Harbor. Riders Holier J. (Irani and II. 11. Ilolxrtt are (hi native coiuiutttni In charge of the nffalr. Tatrlareli Andrew Ualloivay, of tit. Ctiarlv, who for m limit lias been Superintendent ot Sunday Kchuols In the Hear Lake Stake of .Ion, hat beeu I reluctantly relented on account of lu-I lu-I rulii(f j ear from the dtitlo of that I dfllee, und Rider Jov R. Kliephonl, ot I Tarlt, Via bn appnlnlol li succeeil I hi in. Hupt. Hhrphi-ril a ataUtnnlt will I Im Kldcra J. Sutton Jr. of Tarln, and Oliver U. Duuford, of lllooniliigton. Munt. Otllortay was nt one llino Mayor ot Tooole City, I Klder lloraco llurr Owens, under-1 stood to havo lieen, at tho time- of lilt I iWatli, tho 'oldest' member In tho Church, died at Woodruff, Arizona, Juno SI. Ho wat liorn ill Now York June 23 rd 18IU. Ilaptlred Into tho iliurch in 1830. Ho moved to Jscksim "ounty, Missouri, where) his son, J. V. Dtvcns, formerly bishop nt Woodruff, was borui thenco ho moved to Far West, aud later lo Nauvoo. Ho was jno of the first to work on tho Temple In tho latter place, and stuce his com-Inif com-Inif nnt has worked on all the Temples In this Inter-Mountain region re-gion except the ona at Ixigan, Apostle John Henry Smith at the tabernacle Sunday afternoon, July 10, tbo corute of his icmarks, said In part, that the president uf ilie United State had requested all rclltfl J people at their flrat assembling togother, to oiler up prayers to (lod for the mercies mer-cies extended In this trying situation. The president has done everything; III hi power lo prevent wnr. Diplomacy and appeals had been resorted to In vain. 'Ihe conditions were unfavorable unfavor-able to accomplish, In a peaceful way, tho breaking of the chains of Cuba. Spain was bent on riillnif lb Island, tho sons and daughter of Cuba wero ditcrmlned to enjoy liberty, n those a few mile away in tho United Htstet After yeara of bloodshed Spain has bceu uuablo to hrlnif tho Island under subjection. Ho spoke uf tho liorrlblo treatment of men and women and declared that there had to be a change and (lod had committed tha work lo America, Two Spanish licet and many men havo Iwcii destroyed, with tho lowi of n single man to us. It recalled re-called to htm tho word uttered a few weeks ago on this platform warning bpaln to boware and not light against thl republlo-tho land of Joseph. 'I ho speaker gave all honor to the president and congress, and especially to the heroes, who, after aelitevlng victory, caught the drowning Span-lards Span-lards from the water and drew them Into tho IhmU. Not alone should Cuba recc-lvo f readom, but the wuvo-tnent wuvo-tnent should extend until every llsg ih.trinAi not worshln liberty shall be lowered. May our own (xsopla be guided lu tho path ot liberty. May the Hag bo sustained and upheld by elean hands, from the east to tho west nnd from north to south. May tho starry banner Host on ami on until all shall bow In reverauee to It. Tho Annual bunday School Conference Con-ference of tho following Stake will tako placo during Augusti Alberta (Canada) Otli and 7thl Uox Klder and (asslo, Utli and Ittl'l Coolio aud Sail Juan, oth and tlstt Tooelu, 37th aud J. Thu quarterly conference ot tho Uintah Make of Ion ha been advanced ono week. Thl I, Instead of being held on on July 31st aud August 1st, It wilt oonveno on July 93rd, and last until the evening of tho V'l |