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Show awHaaHHaa-""! THRILLINQ UUnGLAn 8TO'w In Vthltli Two t'hll..t.l.M VTumen Are 1-onfrrne.l. " An elderly woman and liar datsthttr living In rhIMdalph'a bar bee "' Ing tha laat few daya In raeupefatMB front a nervou shock they Itainw received, each blaming th other a IM cause ot the trouble. The eldtwly man I allghtly deaf, and Uvea in efljM atent dread of burglar, and to ,ail! tlonally fortify her room at nliht ban taken to etandlng a stick belwe th lower aah of her window and lb casing above, ao that It cannot be op ed The other night h wa awakam ed by hearing a racket In Lr room, and finally, moaterlng up enough ctmr- age to look around, she discover! laa her stick had fallen from lb window to the floor, behind tbe mwIok nw- hlne She aroae. went to the machine and leaned over It to reach the lick. Meantime the daughter had ha awakened by th aame nolae. and. fetf lag that a bnrglar had entered ber molhcr'a room am) would frighten her to death, ah hurried to Investigate. Heachlng tbe door, hd aaw, to her horror, that her mother wa lying, head down, over th machine, ovldent'.r dead or unionaclou Though the daughter Is email and frail, ehe derided de-rided to carry ber to the bed anil hurry for help. Kunnlng aver, she etacped the supposedly uneontcloii body aiound the waist. Immediately the mother gavo forth auch a sueeeeelon of blood-curdling; shriek a might havo been heard for square, a she atrurgled In the grasp ot the long-expected burglar, but tbe daughter, certain cer-tain that her mother had gono mad with fright, held on for dear life and the two struggled and swayed till anally an-ally they both fell exhauated on tho bed. Then tbey realized tbo true altu- atlon nnd they'to been blaming each other ever tlnce Utlca OUarrcr, |