Show I flowers 01 Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy tin settle ot until aud completely derange the whole r > item A hen entering It through the mu rundaurfaccos Huch nrtlclen tlmuld sister be u ed except ou prwrlptlom from repu tahlopli > lcfuni a < Ilia dataingotbOYAllt do I ten fold to Ilia 901 ou can po llly I derive from them Hall Catarrh Cure manufactured by I1 J Cheney is 1Ifi Tolwlo u Contains no menury and As I taken Internally acting directly upon Ibo blm > l nod miirouii turfacc of lie uyttrni In buying Hall CMnrrh Cure be Mire you get the Aniline It U taten lnttrii llyiin tried In Toledo Ohio by K J ChenoyA Co Te tlroonlnl fire tirHoMliyliriintl > t > price no per bottle Ilollt runilly f 11152W |