Show THE OniaiNAL TBILDY I till Minrlrr lIt IIU Idea from Mm inn Illllrrr I llhll < > > ffprcnlatlnn an In the orlffliwl from I I which lu Mistier drew kin Trilby Ferrall and Hirnicill have 1405 rlf once the puhtlcKllon of the mo t popular popu-lar hook that ha0 appeared for titan year All aorta < > f excmptara bavi boon l quoted but nn of them bore a sufficient rmemblanre tn the heroine of the Hotel 1 tu be worth consideration The mualcal blatory of the time In which Trilby trnrdlnar > hlmnr la dated hap been ransacked for the name of ulnrrra whoa rarrvni In nay way touched upon the metenrl flight of that rilraordlnary girt through th < upper region < > f the munlcal wnild Trilby was Indeed a ahootlnic Inc corn Inn no one knew whence phlnlng wllh ran effulgence for a ahort time anil euddml ladnc her brilliance and fad Inn Inln nothing She came from imlli Inll nil to nothing eke returned The Item of the other great prlmit ilcinnc of the ierlod l offer no parallel tn tht putranrdlnary story Pay the Chi earn Weekly The greatest alnger of that day llulla trial betjan life aa n chorus girl hoI mnarkahl talent and an exceptionally leaultful I voice studied hand under stool master wan gradually promoted on her inertia was for many year the rriinlng prima donna of Kliropo decllneil III npular lly wild the adnnr if age and died In retirement IwacefUly and quietly Trilby on the contrary leelal 1 l In crlrbrity at n hound blaaed 1 forth 10 a mar of the Cent magnitude and tine noddenly elllniruUhetl when the mag node force that controlled her orbit failed to act Mo It wan with the other treat wtcallta Their live have born Hrllten pen to Die niliiulrat detail Tliilr hlmnry In I the common property of the nortd 1 here In I no m Y ale rY nboul It One PICK r hnwrer whiw fume UUK world told bill who now U l well ling forg > llen often In her I career n ulrminit riiumltancp to Hint of Trilby h In fact an far an her profmilonal It Ion I-on Ann IlUlere afterward IHdy llrnrj Illnhop then Mme Anna lllliop nnd nt lot Jim Meyer Hohutli Ktnnda nut In bntd relief ua the only nrtlut from wboee life It won iiomlblo to Incarnate Iho ccoentrlc but UtllKht fill heroine of Iu Jlaurlcrn wonderful romance Of courne the atory previous to her public np > earunce ni n ilnRcr II purely ImnKlnary nnl Ibo product of tlio brain of Iu Mnurler Ann ItUlcro never seal nn artlita model never wore a noldlcra root never knocked about thoatrcetiof farts na n wait and troy but avan born find bred n lady nnd maintained l through life tho reaped and love of all who knew her Her father n inuilclnn of talent wna of good decent de-cent Icing n iclon of the ancient and nohlo Trench family I > 0 Crccy who had cmlEintcd to Ilnslnml during the reign of terror In the lint Irenca revo lution Him area well brought up nnd Well taught and at nn early flue wan mnrrled to n malt very much her ion her the celebruleil Sir teary Ilonlry Illtliop the atoll known compoKr who n flume Is l made familiar by Mil fumuui glee The Chough and Crow the popular aiiim Should HP Up braid Mull Motion and fly IrtIty Jam and l the ndaplntlnii from on old Italian nil to Home Sheet Home which In the after career of liln wlfo hdd the name potlilon as n ntnndlns munlcal dlh that inull h a ballad Oh Don t You Ilcnicmlxr Hneet Alice lien Unit held In the vocal repertory of Irllby IVrrall Tho married life of Sir Henry tint Mdy Illihop wan Iou bled always by Iho nmblllon of her ltidthlp who InilitMt upon being n lima donna whllo Iicr huiband a inurlclan of toot experience nlwn > a declared de-clared that although she had n voice she had neither talent nor aptitude for that podtlon |