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Show UOVTariLLK ltuvratiu.it, Ulab, June 22, 18Vtf Eiiitoi TiMce lien lliown nud wlfereturnel Sunday Iron a trip to Wet' Jordan. Mrt. JottpliSlreetilidown again from Almy, accompanied by hercuother. l'otatoei here got their notct imathed on the 13th by Jack Froit Entirely out of uruer for Ibis tenon of the )ear. Uilliam Klmbillol l'atley'a l'ark li rrportrd daugerouily lick, lilt wife alio unfortunattly hat had paraletle tlroke, Mr. Urlffeth, father of kin. nobcrt McUldiel, of Tooele ipokeluterettlngly at the lairamenl lutellog hereon Sunday. Sun-day. Mrt. Mary Stonebraker of Evaniton and Mrt Ollro Millt of l'xrk City ami down laitwcek to the bedildo of their father, Edward Crittenden, who bat hid aiucond paralello etloke. Horn, to tho wife of J. J, llowen, a daughter n.the ltlh (net, Motherand Child doing nicely, but Johuuy well, 10 Icarnol lilt eiact coodlllon It nil) be mcetiaryio.liold a'prlvate comultatlou wlth'LIm, 0, H.W. |