Show Went THEY EMUAItriASBUD Th Idr Though Hit llalchtri Unulil IU so Vadtr 110 tlrenm < tlne t What askod the Indulgent husband hus-band ara you going lo Ito with an Inconsistent woman and how ore you going to teach her never 10 tnako throats All ol which means that his wife hod just boon lolling thorn something that amused them but not her Ono of the tilings she believe Inand a tory Udnhis II good ballot It It many liusliandi will ayI I that the woman who is I at Iho head ol Oho house should do lint own innrkullng blio dropped In at liar Initcliort time other afternoon notion she was on her way to tho matlnca at thin opera and gara an Nor Another ot liar principle Is I to pay ipot cash for everything olio buy and to run no accountii but on tills day alto ha < l forgotten hor pocketbook I did not ntk them to charge It I to melt also iitd I did not want them lo do that I oxnlalno that hat I for gotten my pockot book and thoy were to and limo purchase to myliouio anton ant-on than next day whon I cams again I would pay thorn And would you Iwllovo tha said opening her oyo that thoy rofuwiU And said to thorn Very wall wind It around collect and I shall notcomo hero to buy anything mora bo far so good but And do you know she laid < with limo most Innocont smllo In tho world that I wont Ihoro tho vory noxt day and havo been going there over tlncti bocauio Its the belt shop and most convenient And they looked very funny whan I came In and gavo my ardor as ujual I think th 7 must havo Loin ombarruitad n |