Show A WOMANS WIT 0uuo1 n Adreetlinc Ilolga Th1 110101 nail heal IIIIK In answer to a newspapers roquost or his advcrthomenta prominentnor chant Intoly saldi show mo it now way lo advertise and Ill eonilder It 111 IsCAno proved the siomlngl hopcUt onlltlon of rontcnllnnullty that parade I par-ade adterllsln f lo IM I unique or rlgliml Isnliuoit Impossible Hut the woman who siiginstod an dea l recently 111 a nal I online man Is I tow making n rosjioctiible iommlsilon Ioy her olorn lime owner one the unfortunate pose pos-e or uf land In New Jersey pout which Iho train thlunl Illlad with commuters several times dally to well xipiilMod siihurlit of New York Ono ely It was notloml Hint nt limn usually empty forlornluoklng ttiitlon Instmtd 01 it single farmer In his ono horse Ickoly vohlile Iliero micro smart nglltli trap with ngllih looking rooms am footmen drawn by I bob fi tni nk fallout hnckne a couch and tandem and chlo 1rench lionnoi wllh long cusp Ibbons carr Ing wry much botannl not rlblioned Infant In their arms lioro scum stunning looking young women too with Jolt cap and sticks hatting with ciiiall wall groomed young men In driving coats or cord iros Iho whola seems suggottcd hat llio I faihlonnblo population ol Newport I ur IAMIOX had taken pain ton ot a ptico formerly given up lo ho fanner und mo aullo As limo trulu itupIa1 1 wjvural lash onubly drusMxl HHipli untorrtl tho tanJ Ing curls und l1 > oho recognltod rlends who seemod lo Iw I waiting toro tor-o up train to Now York mini droto oQ followed by tho surprised looks i uf ho people In Iho train Ior Mtcrat week tho hullo way Ido stutlon Will brlitllng with life mud lied 1 with uttractlto looking xoplo leforo this time reap ixtutu Intoslors homesoekurs livid with ambition 10 Iw In touch with this flu du slorln gathering and tindeternil by Iho net that tho rOlf buildings In sight n era not In keeping with thonprc iwntathes at tho ttntlon pureluiMMl and and began building Lots wcro ritpldl sold tri < ots wero laid oft and what 1 limit Uwn a hopoloMl imaltrui ho wuy stullnn soon blomomml Into a thriving Now Jornfl summer commit low I long It took limo Intvstorsto ll cotcr that tho siipjiosod 1 1o1uula lion vat simply it neon ot lmMtunloiu actors unit netromon who owing to haul llnus und out of employment weroghul for n few dollars a day to mused nt nn adtcrtlsoment no ono ktuauve I Iho rial ettato mull nnl Iho door voman who suggoiitc thu lea I aro aping the cnollts l trod rcreltlng the hearty wngratulatlons of the Initiated real ostnlu agents A prominent mom IlIJr ot hula profession says ho Is I going to borrow her plan for use nt wimo untenanlwl hind hum 1 hum I mar Saratoua |