Show L TRAGIC HISTORY ItIs Connected With i New Orleans Bank nulllnllnisis Mill llrurar However and There so a lo lbllltr 01 Hie l > rfi llor llelnr ltd In fall New Orleani Dec SThe Union National Dank which suspended bash nen on Sept g owing to the dedication of Ciinco by I In trusted bookkeepers Cnlomb and Leefe who operated through outitde confederates will resume re-sume business on Monday The bank will start with a capital ol 1304000 8 i C Worms first vice president Stephen I Chalaron former president ol the hank will be second vicepresident and have harge of the foreign exchangeiutl > less Former Cashier Labarthe will act I 55 cashier The bank will start buslnei with 557408 cash In its vault II a demand llabllllle amount to J 13065170 v and III ntcnded llabllllli amount to 177066933 The bank was systematically robbed tm I for a period covering 15 yean by Colonib and Leefe who operated I through L Gailiol a local photographer photogra-pher and Joieph N Wolfion a lawyer Colonib killed hlmiell when Ihe defalcation defal-cation was discovered and and Wolfsons u brother Inlaw I M Navra also com milted suIcIde became of an unwarranted unwar-ranted connection ol hit name with hal I I rOsIn Utljyollion and QaUiolLare 5 under s eritencebllnllclmeMibelore i the fedeiat court The depositor will receive certificate I certifi-cate covering Ihe amounts due them Ten per cent of their deposits will be put lo their credit on dale of resumption i and the certificates will be retired every go day i |