Show Yrllntv IVtrr III Cubit Waihlngton Decg I lr I > M I Jlui gena 1 anltary Inpfetor ol the marine hoipllal ttrtjce In llamina Informs Surgeon Genert Wyman under date of November 38 thai yellow lever In Cuba hail not diminished particularly In se verity during the pretlout vscek I that jntllpot Increased considerably among the clvlllani and that lever and den lery hate augrnenteil consIderably Under dale ol Somber Ji I > r Ca mlncrn Iniprctor ol Santiago do Cuba reported that the imatlpot tpldemlc nhlclihai raged for several montht sons at an end Yellow lever however ttlll prevailed and he wit sore Ihat II uoiildlncreaiediiaimuch M a eontln gent 01000 new SmnllitrrtoK was pectcdu arrive In the dlilrlet |