Show WIT iNn in MIII Itonton Tniimcrlpt lodoNot tell mo what tin people think olllle1 Iminutii = Ami mule you loy tiivm > for We7 Not Much I Indlanipolls Journal l lion do 5011 eland on the llnanclal question tot I think I ihnll stand pat At Iud when I went 10 the hlllk I Will IM 1 wild not draw Lifo line your aunts will been ad milled to prubito jcl II So There Is BO much trouble ul out limo pesky thing that I almost rlab I Hint had never Il died Judg i Mrs 1nwnstcln Vat are you going to gicf Icedlo MOM 011 hll plrtlidny Mr rownstlin = I viii led him look at tier tlamondi In iler showira hilt nn oberu Blass Indianapolis Journal Napoleon Tara phraicd Tlio commanding general of tlio first battle of the next war struck A Ncpoleonlc attitude Men I rang cut his clarion olio this day mid hour forty klnvtoscopes lire looking tlown uon yen Pr Yonkers Statesmen Did I understand under-stand you to gay that you didnt have any company In time kitchen while I Pas nut KatloT l Yl > mum thnls nliat I sold Hut smell the tobacco I from n pipe nil through time house Yin mum the pollieman was In for half nn hour mum but we were In tlio parlor Cincinnati inqnlrert ferry Tetot f ticNo sir I dont judge n man by limo clothe ho near Whcro would I be in I that cnno Wayworn Watson = What you gettii nt anyhow TAint T-Aint ncarln n sweater Chicago Itccont Your daughter Imogeno lea perfect Vcnui Mr Dugg Ini Yes Venus do Milo j he never doc nny work with hcrarms 11 rook 1111 Life Did your wife run Into nnyllilnj when the first got her wheel l llloomer Yeij site ran Into debt llrocklln Life Mfty0h I halo the magazine sorlnlsl IMIth Why 1 MayYou can never tell lion n story end until It li finished Urooklln Ufa Nothing Deplorable > High Whuti tlio matter with you tbls morning You look us thought pout were on your last leg looOb I Im not my sell nt all IIIlhWolI hats nothing to feel no bad about Indianapolis Journal Tlmmln latest joko turned out pretty seriously How Ito couldnt 8QIIIII Ilttiburg ChronlcleMcgrnpht I disapprove of Misusing baseball hang uagen > maikcdthu hone Editor to the Snake Editor Who mined III You sold tlmtthe men who liae just received appointments to foreign consulships consul-ships Imvo made homo runs Well they succeeded In getting what they wanted oIldnt they That may bo true but It li I the men whom they ulCeeol who are running home Truth I suppose you may say the honeymoon la at an end when the husband I hus-band begin to stay out late at night Not exactly It closenl really end until the wife can go to deep again with out believing what ho hiss to lay for idmeelf UptoDato Hiram Oatbln Them people In the big cities is I glttln to nil fired enterprlln that theyre bound to have door skies abov ocm every day Ike filubblcs How dyo make that out 111 1 Hiram Oatbln look at the fortunes theyre payln out fcrthem skyscrapers |