Show A MYSTIC WOMAN MAOCMOISCULC OH WOLSKA A TCLCIATIIIC MEDIUM she I I 1llInl 1111 Country Conpny tt III Immo ale N ltl 1111 a Hume fur ttfiurtr lllllt llrlt of tht > llrrlon i l 1 Ilb I Intlmato friend J 111111 inuellng com innlon of llmmi 1 I Cato t on her protein t nil t professions tour In thl country coun-try Is I Madomol r lIe dp Wotska n I J follsh lady of alit r J tcf I tlngulshe l attainments attain-ments anti Individ tinllty whose por Iralt he I presented lirrewlth Hho It I Ibo daughter of Count let le-t thn exiled 1olUh 1 patriot alias nnllfomlllc book on that llu Iii Jew was n literary sensation ot IMrls n few car ilnee It It veil Inuttn that Cato hour occultlil In maters mat-ers pertaining to lellglous and splr lluil life Her friend Ii I of Ibo tame persuasion only morn so Mademoiselle Mademoi-selle do Wolikn 18 I not merely n the osophlst her professed beliefs may bo Mid to begin where theosopby end With her miracle are simply law of nature misunderstood The Impossible In a matter of frequent occurrence and myslerte seek 1 her out She habitually communicates with departed or distant friend by mean of telepathy or thoughttrnnsfcrcncn through spare without material mcdlumhlp In her mind there Is I not Olio slightest doubt that the planet Mar la I Inhabited nnd that shortly wo shall nut only bo In communication with our celestial neighbor but that lilts In tho flesh will be exchanged between Iho Mar dons and ouncUei of Ohio earth A s I I lt 1 i r MADHMOISKLLi DP WOLSICA to mundano occupation Mademoiselle de Wolska has tntcrcited bertelt In Improving than condition of tho children of the Ilrclon fishermen many ot whom are driven by privation to neck their fortune too often to find their ruin In domestic service or us artists t model mod-el In Jnrls Madrmolsello do Wolska propose to build n homo for them children chil-dren In a picturesque comer of hell I any The ilia wan revealed lu her tn4 chtrtU3UrUU v AjHU flr > m < l ot > < cn IUllo Uiat iraJToilirA taken shape In her mind am before the had 1 ever lilled tlio lire Ion coast Later coming upon tbo spot by chance she recognized l It Instantly al the silo which had been so vividly Impressed upon her memory ilslon la Ohio dream |