Show f i G GJ J 1 si 51 a Week Wee 4 a Month I 1 Mens ens and S hing I II IFOR H I Jur FOR WOMEN I elegant Fall Suits Dresses Coats Capes Skirts Millinery md and other i I apparel l i FOR FORMEN MEN MENNow Now Fall Suils Coats Tints lInts and Shoes ShoeB Also clothing for fori i Youths and Children Prices as low as in any cash store a credit Dont forget that I ITS WORTH REMEMBERING THE T ME C NilLe U ST tNT HARRY MgT St for Aged People Old folks Should be 0 in their election of Regu alive With lith ad age comes Ire 10 bowel movements and sluggish linn Nature is unable to I Mr Lid proper functions and requires as 1 Otherwise Lucre Is 15 con cou conaiL aiL from irom constipation and aud Jt attendant Old folks should semi use physic that Is and ir 11 I VO hare n a safe dependable and altogether Ideal that i par j adapted to the tho ot of aged people and aud peons of weak I who front irom or 01 other bowel disorder WI Vo are 50 certain that It will completely lj 4 these complaints and give ab sU satisfaction In ever every particular that we offer them with our personal j guarantee that they thoy shaLl cost the tho user nothing I It tho they fail faU to our This remedy Is IsI I rolled Rexall Orderlies 4 Orderlies are aro eaten like can candy S d dy They have a soothIng healing strengthening tonic and regulative ac Lion upon the dry mucous lining and the tho relaxed muscular coat oat of the bowel They Ther produce a natural uc contraction and relaxation of ne the muscular fibres of the tho bowel wills wms ad generating a wa wavelike omee motIon which forces their onward and out outward k ward thus nature In per perfect he oct bowel movement Thor They tone tono up as md and the nerves and mus muscles des cles and restore the tho bowels and asso associate organs to In more re vigorous and activity Tho They may be taken at mY any without inconvenience do 10 not cause causo an any griping nausea CC diarrhoea excessive looseness latu I letice or other disagreeable effect Try Orderlies on our guarantee t 36 tablets 25 cents and 12 tablets 10 cents Remember you ou can obtain Remedies los In Ogden only at atour atour our Rexall Store T C CS S Carr corner cornor Grant and TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY e TEACHER club woman or other edo edu educated not lady to visit homes homeR or of gram grammar graman mar grade pupils 60 50 month in an creaso If satisfactory particulars Ld lars give gle phone Address Position Standard t bIG I RANDOM A must nave nac their copy for forthe the Evening Standard the evening he lore Core tho day on which the tho ment Is i to appear In ord order r to Insure publication pu bl I cation Burial of Mrs funeral for Mrs Katie Huss wito of George HLIS was hold at the tho famIly res resIdence yesterday at two The Tho attendance was very large and many beautiful flow flowers ers were wro laid on Ito tho bier The SOl ser services vices ero conducted lw by the nO Rev J JE Ja E a Carver of tho church who preached a beautiful sermon on of lIfo life beyond Ute the grave was furnished b by George Gears Saunders Mrs Mario and BIddle A largo large cortege the body to the tho City cemetery the interment nt was held The rho grave gravo was dedicated b by E A Larkin In the baking or of Hess Bread all hand work Is Salt Lake Mildred Douglass wn WIS a SnIt Salt Lako visitor Sat Saturday Saturday and Sunday Whilo In Salt SaIl Lake was wis the tho guest of 1 Miss 1188 lone Dassett Bassett Call Allen phones 22 for Cor carriages for funerals and operas opera Private calls a specialty Also prompt delivery of baggage D A by anum a num her ber of hor omen and their wives yesterday to look over Mr Ir Smyths recently acquired property in North Ogden COAL Call up Parker Co for Cor rates on lump nut and slack Parker Coal Co Earthquake slight earth earthquake quake shock was vas felt In Salt Lake at 12 58 yesterday morning Buy your coal from As Aseal al Parr Farr Coal Co Dealers In all kinds of coal lad HI Bell S H 11 Elwood and E B II H West Vest are in Ely Eh to spend a few days durs Another Lucky Coal from up 2001 pound In each ton Shurtliff Co Phones 18 Coffey oi of Park Parl City was In Ogden be t wede on S connected with his office omco Coal call up 1 Co for Cor rates on lump nut nul and slack Funeral for Mrs fu fit funeral services for Mrs Charles G will bo be hold held at the Methodist church this afternoon at 2 FrIends desiring to see her In her cas I Itel lcd may do so between the hours of I 10 a m and I 1 p m at the tho homo borne of her hor F S Bond 63 Twenty third street to loan on any good real e estate Ceo Geo J Kelly Kolly Leaves for Park H Watson len left for Park CIt City Saturday morning where ho will remain for fOI some time doIng assessment work on the tho Mc McKInley KInley of mines adjoIning the tho South Dakota Anthracite your bin bc fore cold weather Phone 2 27 John Parr Farr I F t oflE The In your when you on tr try 1 Crr Flour and decide to always have such results as the trial proves 3 9 you can obtain Tho rho best of wheat milled In the tho best or of ways was Is bound to produce the tho best beat flour for making Good Bread Make your Dread Bread Good b by ordering i CRESCENT FLOUR V from your today VANT ADS BRING I BIG I RESULTS I I Breaking Away I f difficult even though the tho from a 11 habit habil is sometimes habit is known to he be I IThe The regular use or of coffee is to most a I harmful habit because the dr drug tg in coffee coHee in I H with the healthy action or of hea heart t nerves anti and stomach 0 I It its s ens easy to break away front from the coffee habit it if boiled POST UM s used its liS the thc hot cup is made of clean clenn hard wheat i including I 1 the brane at which eon contains the phosphate of potash g ill Wheat for rebuilding brain find ind nerve cells S 0 If you ot comfort au satisfaction ty tel teti laYS clas S Theres a R Reason I Ito I to Co fAt Creek w S t ow Easy sy to Send Seid a Check by rv Mail ail Yes it Il Is not nol only to mail convenient t a check lu in the tho pa payment ment of a bill but It Is safe fin and 11 saves sae the cost or of n a money moner order We cordially invite your 0 lIr account subject to check AL C Capital CapitalI I Jj Surplus and Profits S u Safety Service ua Speed Dustless and new sll passenger equipment which is the finest equipment that S money cnn can afforded to patrons of tho Union Pacific S II The Safe Road to Travel 5 Electric blo block k car men meals Is und and I service Best in the tho W World orld For literature information o orates S rates etc call on or address I A B Mos ey TP T P o S l R R CO S S I t gf WI b i q It N i fi IM I f s I It 1 l It c 1 The orse That Ei Our graIn live Try him on our and hay har and you OU will see him suddenly acquire an appetite that ho had for a long while CHARLES F GROUT St StI ELECTRIC IRONS I DO yOU KNOW Superior Electric Flatiron Best on Earth is 18 sold Eold by Snively Hendry We also carry an up line lIno or of tans fans Call and see UD 00 Snively ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Bell Phone 2450 Wash Ave SAM ONELLO Busy all the time lime 2428 GRANT I 1600 chickens ducks tur turI turkeys I keys for ing Open day and night knock at the door and we are always ready to do buel floss All kinds of fruit both for eiEn and domestic In a few days we will have cigars and tobacco and andall andall all kinds o of nuts Phones Ind Indi i Bell 88 I BROOM RESTAURANT RESTAURANTS ESI REMOVED TO VIENNA S CAPE CAFE 32 St Meals same price as Broom Res fles Restaurant Dinner S tram from 11 to 4 p m Dinner from 4 to S 8 p m mLEE mLEE LEE FOON TOM Managers I CHICAGO HOUSE FURNISHED ROOMS BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH Street OGDEN UTAH UTA H anderine D just as surely as rala and raises crops It prod s a l title thick of luxuriant t heir hen sit all othe rome dies fall fail Wo We AU dru l gito soil 00 and 1 per por bottle botte To fa provo prove Its it worth send Ibis ld ad With lOom In or and we wilt will mall ou n a largo tr fres Q GO o o Ill only a few cow bow plates were started La Lorraine returned to port as ag n a pre precaution caution The and cargo wore transferred to La which will wili sail on Wednesday Th St stern was crushed In and she also put pitt In for repairs AMERICAN CASH J STORE PARTIALLY DESTROYED DESTROY menlo Cn Cal Nov day partially destro destroyed ed tho ho new fu American fiton story structure of the con retail store causing n a o or of almost covered b by Insurance I |