Show AMERICAN FEDERATION TO MEET IN CANADA Toronto No Nov the first timo In W 20 years rears of Its existence the hue Anier Amer AmerIcan lean Ican Federation of oC Labor has crossed crossell the of the lie United Staten anti and beginning Monday will vilh hold Its annual convention In Canada I With ith Jail sentences hanging over the heads of Pres Gompers Vice Pros Pres President ident blent John Mitchell and Secretary I Irani Franl Morrison for contempt of court courtIn In lie tho Bucks Stove case the question whether an appeal to the United States supreme court shall he be made will probably ho o decided uy by the con lr Ir Gompers recently from froma Cl a four months trip au abroad road to stud study labor conditions lug Ills report Is ex cx I to be of aid In deter determining determining mining the question of affiliation with Ihl th labor unions or of foreign countries Industrial training Is likely to prove a hive topIc oi 01 discussion I |