Show AHOUT EVA 1500TII MtJSSnNCnn OP DLOOD AND pine IN AMGIIICA Thr tli rnorlr l l n lrl Irn Ih nIlnl Hi lnlrllr 01 II WoM 1Ilr II lIal Ih < Hn > ifht of > lliul r 188 K > n Uootli tho handeomo > oung M Hnilltliwoman recently re-cently appointed Jy den Ilooth as Oby temporary eo m lunndr of the flat IO I vatlen Army in this YiZt eoutitry has had a most Inlcreillug career Her motto li I lllooil and Fire nnd sho has hail considerable experience ex-perience with both Her recent acllvo engagement In the socnNed holy war Is I bj no means her first Allhonuli she Is I not yet SO years old she h1 taken part In n number tit conflict and IIM emerged from tho tmoU of buttle calm and unruflled I She knows tho luslnw ot tho Salvation Sal-vation Army from Ihe first step to the lst Iteforosho vtss 15 Bhe was selling War Crys In the stnets of lourlon nnd since that time she has nlled every grade nnd rink In te army from cadet to commissioner Following her early and humble ox pcrlcneo In tho iwlllnB ot War Crys 1 Mls Ilooth Kitted down In the Train HVA 1IOOTII ng Homo In Ixindon and helped her slilrr to turn nut larijo numbers of women warriors from that Institution It was not eniy work to transform earnest but Ignorant young person from tho street Into wellinformed thoroughly trained nnd penuaslvi women orflcer Ivn Iloeth did 1 It And her pupils made fine reputation for themtelve nnd did her great credit About thl time and when iho wa considerably Irs than 70 the famou Iall Mall lazclto rtvelutlon cnnvulsoi Ijnilon and tho Salvation Army took n prominent part In tho trouble In dlgnant citizen of Iho lower classc who objected to being exposed or snvoi according to tho armys method spen n great deal ot time bombarding It headquarters and making thing unpleasant un-pleasant for oRlccrj and private Tho greatest trouble was connected with IIn army building In Ibo very heart of Lon dons slums Ira Uootli was sent to restoro peace Diy atler day she am her little band of women inarched out as a target for stick nnd stones am lay after day they marched back ver much bruised but still lull ot checrfu 1 enthusiasm It was on one of thcsa ot t cailoni that Fva Iloothi powers ot diplomacy di-plomacy fint revealed themselves Recently Miss lootli has been In command of tbo London province which contain 21000 soldiers nrl 350 field ofllcers Several wteks ago the received from Gep Iloolli her ordcn to rarowcllthit Is to get ready to resign her command nnj pwalt further orders from headquarters Sho li hero u we know temporarily says tha Now York World Sho has no Idea where she will bo sent after rho hot turned over tho affairs ot the urmy to Hailing ton Iloothi successor In the meantime mean-time iho Is I working ilay and night She sleeps only when nusoiuto oxnau lion overtakes her and she eats onl1 by special request of officers who to low her around with tea and bowls of soup In appearance 118 In tharaeur Cam mlssloncr Ka Dooth Is I very much IIko her popular sliterlnlnw She hot le attractive features but her faco II I stronger than loud Ilalllngton Dooth Sho Is I C feet 2 Inches toll and bo weighs about 100 pound Her chic beauty Ilea In her ejcn and hair which ara tho samo sott shade of brown fho hair It I very curly and Iho eyei are largo nnd tired and slightly appealing just now perhaps because thoy hav been turned on 10 many unfrlondl face The shape of her bead I bidden bid-den by tho ugly army bonnet she wear but a fringe of worldly Illtlo curll lot ten the effect of n hlsh forehead ando a very urr IArt no e Any ono wh ha seen Ilalllngton Dooth1 nose WIll look at bla sisters with a pang ot reco lection Tho family resemblance Ia very strong Miss Deaths mouth U I a good largo mouth but tho lips pro parched and tho llnca around them look strained He I complexion which H naturally n nno Kngllsh complexion ihows that It will soon rebel against the late hours and Irregular weals with which It has bee gallantly contending Miss Ilooth hands aro long thin hands with nero vou lcndcr fingers that nro nBYfr till When she Is not fingering a pencil she It I fingering piece ot pipe and when tho charms ot thesa pall Iho picks up the American flue from her desk au4 fallows tho pattern oi tbe stars nml stripe With ono or two rnther startling ox I ceptloui her dress I tho uniform with which We nro familiar Sho wears II plain navy bluo skirt which fiap drearily around her leuder figure Swears I S-wears a Illtlo blue Jacket with plai IIltht steers nnd n rolling collar Hut under that Jacket Ie wean the very eddest Jersey n woman ever wore an1 the front of that Jtrtey li I cm elllshed with picture nnd remarks rnbroldered < In while silk Tho chief work nt art la I Ihe mal I of the army on e Ile above the word Illoml and ljro To 11111 which every woman arrlor wear Mini Ilooth has added ntlment of her own in tho form of the wonla Illocid Wniaexl very heavily IIn1 elaborately done In whlto silk Slid ana the seleced 1 that motto when sho wn n child nnd that die baa always wor It Tho poke tmnntt she wears la I mvlly shirred with nnvy blue silk olhl the wide 1 < ribbon strings tin at Ibo Irt car In bow that la almost ewiust lIh ihIn In speech Mis Ilnolh Is I quiet and lenlle Sho hna n way of listening to on a If jour remirk had great eight and nf oiomltlng her ni It hey wero of no Importance In com mrlson Hut she ettirni lo her own wb1I view conflict and In Important natter she lakm her stand In n gentle hut nbmtutely Immovable fashion U outd not be nn eaay nor an especially lesmnt task to try to move her from II taud which be thowht wni right III tills loo abe I like Ira Ililllnnlnn tooth whose Iron hand was frequently In evidence lieneath 1 the glove |