Show A TEBHlBLI + ACCllmNT IMS mist I as ToIr t laLIIJlllr mis-t n M II i MM iiun the vhwUKK JmUrOcnined 1 1riUy f inrriiMin 11 t p VAnmlll fonjou1 I rtlriilnr Ike 1uneral Illo trapfcleal skftrh On Frid y Ian at 4 SOp moo an nor1 lent bappennl np Xawiulll canon that e ithonl a mnmenl warning Irlottei out i he Mr u 1 one coalvillei f mo > l hlfihly mj < cted and w > ithvrlllwn > left a wife lalllIr of mull hlldn and the entire friimnunli In the deepest nnurnlng isle ran haws I 1 Of the tad affair was learned bye party III ho new on thll lr nrti Ikihu IrWny sewing HI u i fcwk to iillrnd n Ull lien there hat night and who met the com nloni of the mifortmiatn man Mlmrine back the llfelen form to hit om r which he had tIO recently left In M enjunient of perfeU health till AtviiitirT mi i amn at about 480 Irlday aftetnonn up Haw pill entire about five milt abut rho whet Mr I llen together will gdwnrd WIMvand Arrhlbald Unehanan Here engaged lln felling tree for railroad I I fe in be tent to Hall Lake Mr AVIIlt wM culling down a green urns tome his ttnco mm Mr I Itw and Mr I Iliuhanan I fbo wtte trimming tree prtvloui ftllwl They went entirely out of mesh Gf the tree which Mr I Wilde I wa > cnttln Ilh jinn bat when It Marled to all tar Wihlc evtlwl oat ii warning and 1 M Jr Ie looking itu started to ran The green ere Jiut out down In fallln ttnck two dry one und they alto In tsT tar tbR 1 w oak > of e set J A 11 It i ttfllil m t ho WIt working IM works In all Hlttll hood haY < ntcaned hJiV bat thin Ba TNKr seal i K HIM In lUdetrent with aw fill force arrnM the lell houlder and wok and death wai almott IniUntauNUi no sound miie < l hit llpf The other dry tree fell at the vary fttt of Mr I Bnchauan barely mln Ing him lloth men hurrlini at oure lu the pratlrute form of Mr teen bujiln agilntt holm that at mmt he wai only I firlwuly injure Hut a glaneo showed them that the ileathikMlliig Intlraioen bad been only too thorough In 111 fork Time Mt arm wai batl rnltbeilioulde loatlll brulMxl and In all probtUllty the nee k broken Thorn licit u brother the unto iiinilc lcllm was working short lIi lance from time cone of thus diemlfiil Ar ilJenl and on henrliiK the cries of the 1I1t1I went Immediately tu the pelt and waialiaoitproitratnlon Uholdlng the awful work that hail bwii don Tbe three men then tenderly place the me malm upon aye rnnimil unin snd conveyed them to cninp n dlntan e of afaw rudi whtro they ecru put Into a wagon and oenujtd to Coalville The wife of tho deccatcxl with a woo Jut tcndiiyi I old 1 tsar and Hill li artl m and It I wai feared to break thin tcrrlb Hewn to her at once The body wa I therefore taken to the homo uf IJnlltib Wllklni hit brotherinlaw where they I werapretarwl for burial and later as 1 lightly ni potilblv the new wai blllln to hire Iltiw It wai to her a hot howuxer that nearly proved fatal bat I b-at thli writing she It gradually I IIIK itrength All the other relative hiving I at II diliance won tulegraphed kin and steamy nil came In time for I Tile rtIII1UL which was held from the Slake house which hail been tattllv decorated with 1 rlIre mul beautiful slower Sund alt rnoon atSoclock The large ICloplo 101 worship wni packed with frltndi and relatlvei of the deMMNd and It w probably one of the largest funeral ever hddlnCoahlllo h I rug tRMtf writ openetl with u very appropriate 1 long by the choir followed by prayer by KM lor tlwuf hall ioolhit bendll fill nong wm iJ iksu by eke choir after which KMIIX motma aaru > who hail known Mil aatocutud with the dioeatnl ulster l > boyhnnd n short review re-view of hl life 11 knew him tu hn I n straightforward Imini i lndalrlunt I man kind l and nffreUonate to hit family and belmt br nit IIII Hr ictbu thnn tmkt frOtlnfly and molt ably on death and the rttntreellon H net an Ilmpienl and 1 nUr aOdrlee cowl two l rmnforting to lbs l revil relatives mid friend who had gathered around the iiuket to pay their lat act of rltfiect to the I lrpat < lie aml thryitll felt butler for the wDroIt l hat fah frnm the tK l > krrii lip 1 tmniAlvMinKHHi alto 1 tpoki fwllnfly til the relallM and friend lie also reviewed lieu life If 1 the IIevsoI wbumba hud known tine IM wee but a child i motel of the keenly of hit chtrtclcf lilidinilon ami I upright life awl the tilal mid lirllil + nf Ihe early 1 years hire 1 AI the itinclutiuuof hit remarks another song wai rang by I the heir anti the midlrnre wa dli mlidby I KUItr 1 II William TtHllr CKNKTtKV I The tcinalnn win then nme > ed In I the lolrj where after na > er U I KWer J R I ItheftJ they were vsutetgrnt 10 their last railing pure The tynipalhy of the entirerommii > Is I extended to the lorely afltilnl rein 1 th et and friend and by many deed > ul i kl iiidnetiltll I hnHnl their wens unit he ligbtMld IIIIIIIIIA lIartI I Kill these WM burn I In Jlonmmilli whirr ruiilh Wale 1 Avpatl IN IHM 1 came la Itah wllh loll pursuit In IMu rutting the plaint with an ox team ar Ivlng in Halt Uk valley Aufiiil Iml il that I year with his jiarenl h came to Coalville lat In 1110 jaJLtl Ulfl Mt Il eoutelsr oun4 I r t t l lee rahit lttnWOUl It whirl rraf he went to Carle l flock iml rtUtn en a math rnviliilns thetei until te year 18761 wsmarnel l to Rachel Feisty In th toll of 1741 I In 1H77 he went to Aihley Fork with hlifatnlly and engage I farming but In this ventiiio ln > wa tnittcniMful Hiiil In I8KI rvturneit In iiBiHilt roiinly and Jived mid around Ivllle up to the time uf hi tenth lie wai the father of tmirhlldrin MVII I WM und three lrl four titwhom ihm lint and one girl ner < le him |