Show WEYLEIt IN DIUORACC to Ode tereloi cii nreeee hle 7hy Chn lo Un 1 Madrid Nov 8The Spanish gov I eminent as a rrtult of the dellbera lions of thee ministers I over the utter I on I anmea of leneral weyler I las come to the decision to try him by I court inar tlal no matter where he lands If he tonflrm the nccnrncy of the press 1 rt port of his utterances I Ihe commanding ofllcer at all the ports of the Spanish kingdom have been Intlructcd to demand of leneral Ueyler the moment he eu be commu nleated with thectact terms of the speech Mb he dellvcnil reply to the manifestation at Havana on the occasion of hit embarkation for SpaIn on Sunday The Meaimir Montserral on which lencral Mcyler tailed for hpaln Sun by on Vednesda as cabled lo thee Assoclattd Irrsk reaihcd llbarra on lIce northI eeuulst of uba with her engine disabled and may tie I compelled 1 to n turn to Havana In which IBM It Is not unlikely Dial there will be In tcrcstlng developments |